Togami (Surprisingly) Spoons Very Well

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“Right!” you flick off the TV, “Enough games and movies. I'm tired.”

“I feel the same.” Byakuya agrees, lifting himself from bus bed and stretching. You watch him silently and turn away as he catches your gaze.

“Now, (Y/n), you can either sleep on the floor, the couch, or in the bathroom. Choose one.”

“Eh...” you stare at him blankly for a while until it finally hits you, “Wait a minute! You were the one who invited me over! I should have the privilege of sleeping in a bed!”

“I'm sorry?!”

Just like that, your arguments start up again.

“I am Byakuya Togami!” he protests, “You didn't have to agree to this! And on the other hand, you're not even supposed to be here! It's better if you sleep in a bundle on the floor like a poor person or something. That way, when my servants arrive to check up on me, they won't suspect anything.”

“Just when I thought you might be gentleman material!” you huff, “I'll wake up with a sore back if I sleep anywhere but a bed!”

“And I would as well! Now who's more important?! The heir to the Togami family, or a stupid pilot?!”

Oh, he'd done it now.


“Quieten down, fool!”

“You're the fool, Money-bags!”

There was no way you were sleeping on the couch.


You were sleeping on the couch.

“I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him...”

You continue to moodily mumble the same sentence over and over again as you reluctantly drag your feet towards the velvet couch, settling down on it. The heir hadn't even wished you a good night - he simply switched off the lights and snuggled into his warm, inviting bed.

Screw Byakuya Togami.

Though the couch was very comfortable, it was a single seater, meaning you couldn't even put your legs up. It was a shame how a fun night ended with another argument.

“I can't believe I actually thought I liked Byakuya Togami...” you curse yourself and attempt to get comfortable, failing miserably. You give him the finger from where you're sitting, even though you know he wouldn't be able to see it.

His sudden sigh causes you to raise your eyebrow and turn to him. You hear the blankets rustle and see his silhouette sit up slowly.

“Over here. Now.”

You stupidly look around to see who he was talking to.

“Who, me?”

“No, the ghost behind you.” he hisses sarcastically. You stay quiet and he groans, “I mean you, fool! Pick yourself up and come over here.”

You hesitantly stand and approach him cautiously, put off guard as he suddenly grabs your wrist and yanks you onto the bed. Before you can comprehend anything, you're facing away from him with his arms wrapped around your waist, his chin nestled atop your head.


“This is a one off, okay? This won't happen again. Ever. Don't take this for granted.”

You roll your eyes, “Tsundere.”

“What's that?”

“Never mind.”

It's quiet for a while, until you break the silence, “You're good at spooning.”

“Ah, so that's what this is called. Fascinating.”

You giggle, “Yeah, whatever.”

Your hand reaches the grab one of his placed on your waist, and he doesn't pull away.

Byakuya Togami x Reader - My Secret (Stuck Up) Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now