Text Messages

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Unknown Number: Hello.

You stared confused at your phone. You had never received a text message from an unknown number.
“Huh, that's weird...”

You: uhm hi who is this???

Unknown Number: This is
Byakuya Togami.

You: excuse me but how did u get my number???

Unknown Number: I asked
the school to give me your
mobile number.
Now we can converse
over the phone.

You burst out laughing, slamming your phone on your bedside table and held your side as you giggled.

You: K but why r u
typing in full words with
full stops and
caps and
everything lmao 💀

You quickly saved his number to your contacts and nicknamed him one of the stupid names you gave him last week.

ByakuyaBrat🤡: What do you mean? What does ‘Lol’ mean?

Was he actually being serious?

You: Byakuya I think I need to teach u how 2 text properly on messages 😭

ByakuyaBrat🤡: Fine then.
So what does ‘2’,
‘u’ and ‘lol’ mean?

You: 2 means to lol
means laugh
out loud and
u means you

ByakuyaBrat🤡: So if I put
how are ‘u’? Would
that make sense?

You: Yh it would
But you need to
Drop the ‘’

Ah I see okay then

“This is so awkward...” you mumbled as you glanced at the ‘typing..’ at the top of the screen, indicating that Byakuya was about to send a reply. You two conversed for a bit more, helping Byakuya out with all the text slang and everything, making sure he got the hang of it.

ByakuyaBrat🤡: Now that the whole text abbreviations r over with I have something that needs to be addressed

You: Huh?? Okayyy...

ByakuyaBrat🤡: Ik it isn't my place to do this but I've been scrutinizing Kyoko lately

You raised an eyebrow and jogged towards your room door, shutting and locking the door as you pressed the call button.

“You didn't ask to call me, idiot! Ask next time!”

“Shut it, brat.” you shot back, “You literally just told me you've been stalking Kyoko and this obviously seems important so spill.”

“Preposterous! One, I have not been stalking Kyoko. And two, you need to keep your mouth shut about this! I'm giving you info that should be kept confidential! You are very lucky I'm even telling you, considering that massive mouth of yours.”

“Eh?! I haven't said a word about us DATING though, have I-”

“Keep your voice down you foolish child!”

“So you're calling me a child now, are you?!”

“Enough! Let me just get to the point!”

You huffed but kept quiet, indicating for Byakuya to continue.

“I know that you have no idea about the Kamakura Project, and I'm also aware that you probably have no idea about what really had been going on at Hope's Peak Academy. Kyoko does, however. I am unsure if Makoto does as well, but at the moment, my knowledge is little.”

“K-Kamakura Project?” You repeated, “What's really been going on at Hope's Peak Academy? What the hell are you talking about?!”

“Hope's Peak is hiding something from us. From the Main Course, the Reserve Course. All of us. I'm trying to figure out what, which is why I am...I am also in need of your help.”

You snickered as Byakuya reluctantly admitted that he needed your help and smirked.

“Okay then, Byakuya. Just elaborate and I'll see what I can do.”

Byakuya Togami x Reader - My Secret (Stuck Up) Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now