04: Percy's Personal Press Conference

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A heavy huff announced Percy's entrance into the manor, Dick following closely behind unaffected by the run. Clutching the table in the center of the downstairs parlor, Percy continued heaving while Dick tossed her a cold water bottle, his everpresent smile mocking her exhaustion.

"You kept up pretty well, you know," he told her cheerily.

"Is this going to be one of those for-a-girl kinds of comments? Because I don't tolerate that kind of bullsh-"

"No, no. Cass would kill me if I even thought of saying something like that. She's far more capable," a twinge of mock fear settled in his brow at the thought of upsetting Cassandra. "I just meant that I have a pretty athletic background and most people just... can't really stay on pace."

"I mean I had an 'athletic background' too," she poked fun at his word choice, "that doesn't mean you aren't a speed demon with no regard for other people's feelings towards running."

"Hey, look, I didn't mean anything by it. Plus, if you want to see a real 'speed demon' you should meet one of my friends," Dick laughed at his own comment, Percy didn't understand the joke, but even if she had, she was too distracted by the cool water she was choking down.

The two kept milling about, throwing quips at each other and enjoying the distraction the other provided. Eventually, the chatter turns to silence when Alfred clears his throat to make himself known at the doorway. He told them that Bruce had called Percy to his study. Alfred led her there and left after a short knock and having opened the door. She thanked him quietly and stepped into the office.

"Hi," she greeted Bruce awkwardly. The two hadn't been able to talk much in the day she'd been living under his roof.

"Yes, hello Percy. How are you settling in? Any issues?" Bruce asked, clearly to be courteous before diving into whatever issue he wanted to discuss.

Percy moved to shuffle into one of the velvety seats that faced Mister Wayne's dark desk. She nodded uncomfortable at his questions, avoiding eye contact and trying to hurry the meeting.

"First, I'd like to offer my condolences about your mother. I know as well as anybody how taxing grief can be on a person; losing a loved one, a parent is extremely painful. We want you to feel happy and cared for here. If you need anything at all, we're here for you. But, there are other things we need to discuss, I'm sorry.

"Since you'll be living here, I wanted to talk to you about school. I've seen your record, but I think I could pull some strings to get you into Gotham Academy—that's where all the boys attend school. Ideally, you'd be starting sometime this month if you feel that is something you can handle. Before you decide to start school, however, there would be a need for some testing. The tests shouldn't be all that bad, they're just to get an understanding for what classes you would be put in, since your disappearance throughout the last year may result in some scheduling issues."

This was the first Percy had heard about her 'disappearance', she supposed it made sense, though. An easily believable excuse the mist had laid out to account for the war and her travels. She was satisfied with the part she would have to play, though she vowed to do some research on it, to avoid any discrepancy.

"The next thing I need to bring up is the press. I see you've had some experience with being in the public eye, but up to my knowledge, you haven't interacted much with members of the press. As Waynes, the gossip tabloids tend to focus on our family and our affairs. To avoid the brunt of the rumor mill, an official statement should be issued fairly quickly," Bruce continued to explain several technicalities that Percy mostly ignored. She tuned back in when Bruce changed the subject.

"-And the last thing I had planned to bring up was your medical record. I understand that you were diagnosed with both ADHD and dyslexia several years ago, but you haven't been medicated. That's something that can be taken care of pretty easily. The family's doctor will be coming over this week for a routine checkup and after that, we can see a physiatrist. I think that's all, did you have any questions or concerns?"

"I don't need ADHD medication," she protested, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I still want to get you to a professional before we say anything for sure. There's no issue in seeking help. Plus, as a foster parent I need to make sure you're at your best, and if that means Adderall, then Adderall it is."

Percy stayed silent for a couple of beats, she would have argued had she mustered the energy to ruin a relationship with another male figure of power in her life. She decided to go the safe route and just ask for the charger. He rummaged through one of his desk drawers and handed her a black wire and a charging block.


"Anytime, Percy. Don't be a stranger," Bruce called out once she was standing to walk out of the room.

Percy attempted to track the route Cass had taken her down the following evening to find her chambers. Her trials were unsuccessful as when she opened the door she thought was hers, instead of seeing her bed, she found Damian sitting on the floor with a very low easel holding up the canvas he was working on. The boy noticed her entering the room before Percy had noticed it wasn't hers.

"Don't you know better than to go places you're not wanted, mutt?" He asked her with an indignant huff.

"I wouldn't be here if I could find my way around this. I doubt Daedalus could tell his left from right here."

"Your suite is three doors to the left of this one. Now leave," Damian all but pushed her out. She rolled her eyes at his antics but walked over to where she was directed, opening the (correct) door, she immediately moved to plug in Annabeth's phone.

The display lit up with the brand logos as the phone powered up. Percy bit anxiously at the skin on her fingers while she waited for the screen to show the lock screen—a picture Annabeth had taken of Percy after they'd shared their first kiss, Percy's hair was wet in the picture, cheeked flushed, and an aw stuck smile on her face— until finally, the back screen faded to color the pixels telling her the time. She flipped open the phone, gaining access to the small keyboard.

47 missed calls from a number marked as Chiron.


I do not own any Percy Jackson or DC content.

p.s. hello again. so ik it's been a couple of days and all, and i promise i'm planning on updating this fic very often, i just had a string of Bad Days and i couldn't get myself to focus. since ik y'all don't wanna hear, i'm ranting in the comments like a respectful lad
if there's anything you wanna read in this fic (it can be something i wrote in the last one, or something entirely new) just let me know and i'll be happy to try and write it :)
i need cuddles, this has been a psa
ilysm bye stay safe


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