06.75: The Enigmatic Life of Percy Jackson

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Content Warning ➙ talks of suicide


The Enigmatic Life of Percy Jackson

The episode opens when the channel name appears, a brief content warning flashing before cutting to Shane and Ryan sitting in an elaborately decorated studio. Eerie music played in the background. Ryan introduced the video using his mysterious voice. "This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we cover the enigmatic life of Persephone Jackson."

"She's a Wayne now, isn't she?" Shane asked goodnaturedly, "I was just reading about that."

"Yeah, that's why we're doing the episode now, the interview the Wayne family did, gives her just enough publicity to make the thing when she was twelve resurface," Ryan responds, flipping open his manilla folder. "The thing about her mom was pretty interesting."

"I'm glad. Living with the Waynes seemed pretty cool, apart from the time Jason died and those abuse charges and the feuds all the boys have."

"Persephone Andromeda Jackson was born on August 18, 2005, to a Sally Jackson." Ryan read his script, his voice had an edge of mystery to it. A bark of laughter interrupted him. He switched to his normal voice to shoot Shane a faux annoyed "already?"

"Persephone Andromeda Jackson..." he trailed off, almost savoring the name before chuckling. "That's a mouthful."

"She goes by Percy, apparently," the shorter of the two piped in.

"I'm still not over it. Persephone Andromeda. Wow, that's a pretty powerful name. Packs a punch if you ask me," he leaned back into his chair, lifting his brows in consideration. "Those are both Greek Gods, right?"

"I don't think Andromeda was a god, but yeah, they're Greek."

"Were her parents Greek?"

"You would already know if you let me present her case," Ryan sported a glare with no heat behind it.

"Please, continue," Shane crossed his armed over his chest and leaned his head back to listen to his cohost.

"She was born to Sally Jackson and an unnamed father. Her mother was born under the name 'Salome Wayne' and was thought to have died along with her parents, she was, however able to escape and according to the Jacksons, was on the brink of death when she appeared at their doorstep. The couple took her in and raised her as their own, losing touch with Salome around the time she would have been pregnant with Percy.

"Sally raised Percy on her own for around three years in New York, when she met and married her first husband, Gabe Ugliano."

Christ, these names are a lot, I mean Salome? Ugliano? it sounds like characters 13-year-old you would write into your fanfiction

hey, I never wrote fanfiction! (huff)

but you read it, didn't you?


(laugh) what?


"Trouble was said to follow Percy; she was expelled from most schools she was enrolled in within the year, some of these schools being military academies or schools for troubled individuals. She also had an unfortunate history with class field trips, once having caused her class to fall into the SeaWorld Shark Pool, and even having fired a canon into a school bus.

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