Chapter two

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Warning there is angst in this chapter, if you don't like that, stop reading at the end of the first pov. Thank you!

Shuichi POV:

"Wait what-" I blushed and looked over at him. Maki smirked "how fruity" she chuckled. "Makiii!" I mumbled, obviously flustered from the teasing. I cleared my throat "A-anyways do you guys wanna come with me and Ouma to my place tonight?" Of course I didn't want them to, not in a bad way. I just wanted to see if maki had plans with Kaito so that I could tease her about it later. "No thanks I got plans with Kaito tonight, maybe another time though!" She laughed. "Alright, me and Ouma are gonna head out then, see ya Maki!" Me and Ouma waved as we skated off together. We got over to the counter and took our skates off and I put them up. "Wow Shumai, even after hours you still do your job, wait do you get paid for that? Just curious." I looked at him and nodded, "Yeah, they just add one more hour worth of payment to my paycheck, why?" He looked away with his hands behind his back, "Oh nothing! I'm just tryna get paid a little more cuz I'm kinda short on money and rent is pretty high for me at the moment." I didn't completely believe that, but I'll let it slide for now, he might have had a good reason to lie. I held out my hand for him as he grabbed it and we walked out to my car." Woww! And he can drive? Shumai is such husband material!" I laughed, "Yeah I'm just that hot you know?" I joked, "okay but like it's actually really hot in here." He looked at me "Turn the AC on silly! Or just take off your shirt or something I don't know." I turned on the AC. "Damn why is summer even a season?" I took my shirt off, and Ouma stared at me. "You have abs" his eyes widened "yes, i do" he kept staring, which I didn't mind. "We're both dudes, why are you star- oh you're fruity aren't you, it's fine i am too don't worry." He just nodded. I started driving and put on music. The first song that came on was Dead Girl Walking. We vibed a bit too hard and almost got ourselves pulled over for being and singing so loud. But damn I gotta admit Ouma is a great singer. Like, he'd do better than Heather Chandler in Candy Store. Eventually I pulled up to my house. He looked up at it "Wow you have a huge house" he stared in awe. "Not as big as my uncle's, I mean he's a very well known detective, and my parents are movie directors and screenwriters, and they occasionally play as actors. So I was just born into a family of wealth. It's not all that great though. I was kinda forced to grow up really fast. I mean the good part is that I was able to get gender affirming surgery not too long ago so that's that. Everyone at work knows I'm trans, so I'm okay with talking to anyone there about it. I came out not too long ago. Though the only people I talk to are my bosses Tsumugi and Kirumi, Kokichi, and maki. "By the way if you need help paying your rent I wouldn't mind helping you out."

Kokichi POV:

I didn't wanna be selfish, plus I needed the money for my cat anyways so I turned down the offer. I regret lying about it, but I had a good reason. We walked inside and took our shoes off and Shu put a shirt on. We went over to the kitchen, he had an island counter so I went and sat on one of the stools. "Want anything to eat or drink?" he asked me. "No thank you, can I tell you something, it's very important." I looked down. Me? Telling someone the truth? That's different. "Yeah go ahead!" he said while getting a dragon fruit out and he started chopping it. I took a deep breath. "Uhm, okay so I kinda lied when I said my rent was too high, Uhm, I actually need the money for my cat but I didn't wanna say that in case someone heard it." I shut my eyes and put my hands down into my lap. "Oh my what happened to your cat?" He didn't get upset that I lied, which isn't normal, or at least I don't think it is? But whatever. "She was attacked by a dog and her eye got a hole in it so we have to get it removed. I can't afford the surgery though so I'm trying everything I can do to save up and get enough money for it." I looked down, then up again, then back down again and started to fidget with my hands. "Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that, I can help you pay for it so it doesn't get worse, that kinda thing you'll wanna get done as soon as possible so infection doesn't grow or spread" I looked up. I don't wanna seem selfish or like I'm using him for his money, that's not what's going on. "Are you sure? I don't wanna take your money or seem like I am, you really don't have to" I would feel so bad doing this. "No no, i insist, your poor cat can't live like that, please let me help you out and pay." I felt myself start to tear up. I hated showing this type of weakness in front of others but I didn't really have a choice now, so I gave up and let the tears fall. "Thank you" I said, my voice was shaky. I hoped he didn't notice, but as soon as I thought I was in the clear he came over and hugged me. I couldn't control myself, so I just cried harder. "Hey it's ok, let it out, it's going to be ok" he rubbed my back with one hand and played with my hair with the other.

Shuichi POV:

I tried my best to comfort him. I hated seeing him in pain like this. I carried him over to the couch and handed him a pillow to hug as I got him some blankets and hot chocolate. Then some pokeys cus I know he likes them. I walked back over to him, bundled him up, and I put the snacks and drinks on the table. I sat next to him "It's okay" I whispered to him, along with other sweet things, reassuring him that it would be okay. Eventually he fell asleep in my arms. I didn't wanna bother him and he seemed comfortable so I didn't wanna move and wake him so I just went to sleep with him.


Word count: 1131! Take care everyone! ily all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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