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chapter | eighteen

"LET HIM GO, Kankuro, or we'll have to hear about this later .." Scoffing, the blonde ninja that stood behind the strange figure crossed her arms in annoyance. The stranger— Kankuro, grasped a fistful of Konohamaru's shirt, lifting him into the air.

"He need's to be taught a lesson, Temari." Rolling her eyes, she muttered. "Whatever, I'm not involved .."

"HEY, LET HIM GO!!" Naruto yelled, charging toward him. Sakura cowered in fear as she watched the scene play out. She held onto the other kids tightly, shielding them from the sand ninja. With a single glace, and a quick flick of his finger, the sand ninja sent Naruto stumbling back toward you. You rushed forward to catch him, the impact of his body meeting yours sending you both to the ground.

"I don't like scrawny little runts," Kankuro began, "Especially ones that like to run their mouth. It makes me want to .. break them." Konohamaru winced in pain, his grasp growing tighter. Immediately, you pushed Naruto to the side, rising to your feet.

"Picking on a little kid?" You spoke, walking toward the ninja. "Is this what Sunugakure is about?" Both sand ninja met your gaze, a hint of annoyance prominent behind their stare.

"Excuse me ..?" Kankuro questioned, turning to face you. You stopped in your tracts, standing straight across from him. It seemed as if you two were having a stare down, waiting for the other to speak.

"Picking on a kid? Isn't that a bit pathetic?" Chuckling, you crossed your arms. "Y'know, I never liked Sunagakure— it was always too hot for me, but I'm starting to dislike the people even more .." In an instant, his grasp weakened, and Konohamaru fell to the floor. Kankuro raised a clenched fist, ready to strike, until a small rock bounced off of his forehead, sending him stumbling backwards.

"You're pretty bold for someone that doesn't belong here .." Everyone's gaze followed the voice, leading to Sasuke, who sat in a tree, rock in hand. "Get lost." Kankuro scoffed in annoyance, while his blonde companion blushed. He then grabbed onto the bandage that wrapped around his chest, dropping the wrapped weapon to the floor.

"Hold on, you're not using the Crow for this, are you?!" Temari grabbed hold of his shoulder, which was quickly shrugged off. Bandages began to slither out from his weapon. You backed away, waiting his next move.

"Kankuro, stop that. You're an embarrassment to our village."

Your eyes darted toward the voice, spotting a red-headed ninja dangling under the branch Sasuke sat on. He wore traditional Sunagakura clothing, and held a giant gourd on his back. His eyes were outlined in black, and he had a bright red tattoo that read 'love' just above his brow. How could you miss his presence?

Kankuro looked terrified, "G-Gaara.." His weaponed quickly retreated, and he began backtracking on his words. "They started it, I swear. They were the ones that challenged us first!"

"Shut up.. or I'll kill you."

Kankuro froze, waving his hands in defense. "I-I'm sorry, Gaara. I was wrong, I'm so sorry .." You and the rest of Team Seven watched in confusion. Who was Gaara, and why were they so terrified of him?!

"I'm sorry for any trouble he's caused .." Gaara's eyes wandered, until they met yours.

Your heart dropped.

His eyes .. they felt like a window to something sinister. A crippling sense of fear rushed through your body. Something was off. There was something wrong with this shinobi .. something evil.

Sand surrounded his body, and he seemed to have teleported from the tree, down to the ground. He grasped onto his partners, leading them away from the scene.

"H-Hold on," Sakura called, stepping forward. She gripped your shoulder for comfort. "You're not from here, what's your purpose?! You can't come into Kohonagakure without a permit!" Temari paused, chuckling as she turned around.

"You're serious? Are you all dense or what?" She rummaged through her bag, before holding out a permit to present. "We're here for the Chunin Exams, obviously... what, you didn't know there'd be shinobi from other villages?" They were met with silence. She sighed, before the three turned back around, continuing on their way.

The chunin exams ..

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐇𝐀, various! naruto x reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now