t h i r t e e n

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chapter | thirteen

     YOU TRUDGED THROUGH the dirt, following your team closely behind. Your stomach turned, recalling the long, excruciating boat ride you've had to endure earlier. You hated traveling on anything meant for transportation— to say the least. The motion-sickness was still present, and you slapped a hand over your mouth, struggling to keep the contents of your lunch down.

"Naruto! You're wasting all of your kunai!" Sakura exclaimed suddenly, earning your attention. The pink-ette shoved Naruto in annoyance. He ignored her disapproval, his icy-blue eyes glancing around frantically. He sensed someone was following them- and you did too. He grabbed another kunai, throwing it toward a bush nearby. Approaching the bush, the team watched silently as Kakashi seperated the leaves, revealing a scared, white bunny.

Sakura growled, "Naruto. . ." Gasping, Naruto embraced the creature apologetically, spouting nonsense that your thoughts began to drown out. Your [e/c] eyes glanced toward Kakashi, who stared into the distance in deep thought. There was something off, yet you couldn't quite put your finger on it. The surrounding grew heavy, and your heart began to speed up- something was coming.

Your eyes widened, "Everyone, get down!" Dropping to the ground, you watched in complete shock as a giant sword whirled itself through the air, just barely skimming your heads before lodging itself within a nearby tree.

"Well," Kakashi spoke calmly, rising from his crouched position, "If it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja of the Hidden Mist." You followed his gaze, yours eyes locking with that of an all-too-familiar rogue ninja- as much as you hated to admit that. You flinched, his penetrating stare lingering over your face.

"I suppose you're Kakashi, the sharingan user. . ." He then chuckled, ". . . and if it isn't [Name]. I wasn't expecting to find you here." You glanced down in shame, feeling your teammates eyes stare at you in surprise. Focusing back onto the ninja, Naruto shot forward— only to be stopped by Kakashi.

"You're in the way," The silver-haired jounin spoke flatly, his gaze trained onto Zabuza. "He's not like those chunin we encountered. You all need to stay out of this fight. Protect the bridge builder at all costs." Kakashi reached for the headband that covered his eye.

"Hand over the old man, Kakashi." Tazuna quickly hid behind the four of you, shivering in fear.

"I've taught you teamwork, now it's time to use it." Kakashi lifted his mask, revealing a deep scar that ran down the left side of his face, and a scarlet-red eye. Sasuke gasped, staring at the scene I shock.

"It's time I exterminate the old man- now." In an instant, you, along with the rest of your teammates gathered around Tazuna, your kunai raised in defense. Zabuza chuckled in amusement.

"Alright, if I have to defeat Kakashi first, then so be it." In an instant, he vanished, taking your team by surprise. The area began to grow foggy, and a heavy mist clouded your vision.

"Hidden Mist Jutsu. . ." You muttered, earning a nod from Kakashi.

"That's right. You'll need to keep your guard up." He then shrugged. "Well, if we fail we only lose our lives. Sakura glared, disapproving of his untimely humor.

Naruto gasped, "It's growing thicker and. . ." His eyes began frantically searching through the mist for the familiar silver-haired ninja. "Kakashi-Sensei?!" The group of you banded closer together, your defenses never wavering. In the silence, your eyes wandered in search of the rogue nin. Taking a deep breath you paused, before yelling out.

"Everyone, get out the way!" Your team quickly dove out of the way, colliding with the hard ground, missing Zabuza's attack. Glancing back, you watched as Kakashi grabbed a hold of him, pressing his kunai against the rogue nins neck.

"It's over, Zabuza." It was silent, before the rogue nin smiled, laughing at kakashi's threatening words. Your teammates shivered in fear, and so did you. You knew first-hand just how terrifying Zabuza could be. You may have been skilled in locating the enemy, but Zabuza had a thing for taking his enemies by surprise- and now was definitely a surprise.

     "You think you can fool me that easily," His body then morphed into a stream of water, splashing against the moist dirt below. Kakashi froze, feeling a presence behind him, and the sudden metal of a kunai pressing against his throat.

"Now, it's over"

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hello, everyone! i know it's been forever since i've updated. my interest kind of drifted from writing but i'm back and i still want to finish the stories i've started, so i'll definitely be updating more! thank you! <3

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐊𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐇𝐀, various! naruto x reader [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now