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Chapter One:
Day in the Life

Reneé Trinity JacksonChicago, Illinois

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Reneé Trinity Jackson
Chicago, Illinois

Reneé had always been a hard worker. Her daddy was a hard worker, which was why she had such high expectations for herself. She held herself at a high standard and saw herself as a high value woman despite coming from the hood. Even though every one around her was telling her that she wouldn't make it, she pushed through regardless and she had finally made it. She was one step closer to her goal.

Originally, she was from Jacksonville but she moved to Chicago to work hard for her dreams, away from all the negative energy that was her family, friends and haters. Not that she had many friends.


Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, Reneé sighed as she looked at her apartment. She had finally moved in and was settled, now she could call her father. Pulling out her iPhone, she FaceTimed her father and began to show him around the apartment. From her bedroom, bathroom until she finally went back to the living room.

"You better lock them doors at all times." He instructed her whilst she sat down on the sofa.

"Don't worry 'bout me, daddy. I'm a big woman now." Reneé rolled her eyes at the way her dad treated her. Like a little girl, as always.

"Call yourself a big woman when you can kill a spider by yoself." Keith raised his eyebrow at his only daughter, she was really all grown up.

"Nah that ain't fair coz ain't nothin natural about something with more than 4 legs and eyes, okay?" She whined, her high-pitched voice making her dad chuckle at how childlike she still was.

"Past all that, I'm proud of you, baby girl." Her dad confessed, a soft smile plastered on his face as he looked at his daughter, "You worked hard to reach where you are and I have no doubt that you'll grow even higher."

"Thank you, Dad. Imma call you later, I gotta run to the store." She said, "I love you, pops."

"I love you too, baby. Stay safe, aight?" He said before hanging up.

Gently throwing her phone on her sofa, Reneé walked towards her balcony and looked down at the city. Reality set in for her and she finally realised that she was all by herself now. Her father wasn't here and neither was her brother. Feeling a cool breeze kiss her face, she smiled because solidarity had never been a problem for her. She thrived the most when she was by herself and in her own energy.

From a young age, Reneé had noticed that being around people would always ruin the balance that she had within herself. Their negative energy or burdens would find their ways to her and ruin her purity, happiness and peace. So she isolated herself to the point where she had no friends.

However, she would come out of her shell if she found a group of people that didn't make her energy murky, but instead fed into each other and made each other's lights brighter and energy purer. People with goals and ambition.

She hasn't met anyone like that in her 20 years of life.

Pulling on a a white, cropped vest, some black ripped denim shorts and black, fluffy slides; Reneé got ready to go the store that was nearby. She tied her 28 inch, wavy hair in a low ponytail, put on some hoop earrings and grabbed her purse before heading out.

"I only want some snacks. Grocery shopping gon' have to wait till next weekend." She mumbled to herself as she slipped into her car which was a Mazda 3 that her daddy had gotten her for her 18th birthday.

Pulling out of the parking lot, Reneé follows the instructions of the GPS to the nearest store. It said 15 minutes but that seemed too far since she lived directly in the city but she drove down there regardless, as she kept driving she noticed that the area was getting more and more dangerous looking.

"You know what, I'm just gonna order in." She mumbled to herself before parking the car beside an alleyway to type in her home address to get back home.

After a few minutes, the GPS was finally loading and ready to go and just as she was about to drive away, she heard someone open her door and slip into the car with a thud. The door slamming shut afterwards.

Panicking, she pulled out the gun she had in her purse and pointed it at the stranger. As she looked back, she saw a bloody man laying in her car, on the verge of passing out. He was shirtless with tattoos al over his body and blood covered him from head to toe, it coated her car seats now too.

"Fuck! drive...n-now." He coughed up blood as he attempted to speak.

Not knowing what to do, Reneé listened and drove off. Not before she heard gunshots behind her, which only meant one thing. She was now involved in some deep shit that she had no business being involved in.

Parking outside her apartment, she tried to keep her breathing calm as she thought about what to do with the man behind her. She was about to go to the hospital but he refused and she had no choice but to bring him here or he'd die.

Glancing back at him, Reneé couldn't help but want to help him. She opened the door and pulled him out before dragging his heavy body all the way up to her apartment. He was passed out so she wasn't worried about him knowing her location or remembering anything, so she was just going to treat him and then ask someone to come and pick him up.

Placing him on her bed, she didn't even get annoyed when his blood began to stain her perfectly white sheets. Instead she worried about whether or not he was breathing.

"He's not dead." She assured herself as she looked around for her First Aid Kit before beginning to treat his wounds that were a mixture of stabbing wounds and blunt force.

After hours of her cleaning him up, treating his wounds and giving him water and food, Reneé grabbed her gun and sat beside her bed. Waiting for him to wake up. Her clothes were covered in blood and so were her hands but she was too overwhelmed to even bother washing up. She'd done this too many times to even be bothered by it anymore.

Hours went by until she eventually fell asleep without even realising it. Her eyes shot open when she heard the sound of her toilet, causing her to stand up and grab her gun. The bed was empty and the man was no where to be seen.

Clutching her gun, Reneé held her breath as she waited for the footsteps to get closer to her room before aiming her gun at whoever was walking.

"Aye!" The man's eyes widened a bit but they returned to normal as he stared at the barrel of the gun with a frown.

"Lil tip, if you gon bring strangers into yo crib, you shouldn't fall asleep and snore." He jokes as he rubbed the bandages that were wrapped around his chest, they now had splotches of blood here and there but nothing too bad.

"Lil tip, if someone saves your life, the first thing you should say is thank you." Reneé snapped back, still holding her gun but not aiming it at him anymore.

"Real talk though, thank you for what you did." His voice softened up as he walked towards her, pulled her into a small hug before walking out the apartment.

Reneé couldn't even process what had just happened. She simply just slumped back onto the floor with her gun in her hand.

He was fine as hell. Too bad he got people tryna kill him.

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