02| 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 8

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The sky was painted a reddish color, while smoke from the flames covered the moon. The dragons flew, burning the houses that were in its paths. The men raised the torches.

Berk was a land of "Kill-or-be-killed"... but I believed peace was possible. 

A Monstrous Nightmare fell to the ground, causing a smoke of earth to rise. A man ran towards the dragon with his ax raised so he could chop off its head but Valka stopped him.

[Valka]: Stop! You'll only make it worse!...-She yells at him, the man tried to free himself but the Monstrous Nightmare flew away. The man looked at her with a frown-

It was a very unpopular opinion.

Valka turned towards her house, where she saw how a dragon tried to enter. She became alarmed before running to save her son.

Then, one night, a dragon broke into our house.. finding you in the cradle..

A Stormcutter entered the house through the roof its pupils dilated at the sight of Hiccup in his crib. Valka kicked the door of the house, grabbing a sword quickly.

I rushed to protect you.. But what I saw..

Valka's eyes widened as she saw her son playing with the Stormcutter's claws. She lowered her sword slowly, a small smile was forming on her lips.

was proof of everything I believed..

The dragon noticed Valka's presence and accidentally cut Hiccup on the chin, making him cry. Valka couldn't go with her son as the dragon was blocking her way as it walked towards her.

This wasn't a vicious beast..

Valka narrowed her eyes, seeing the glint in the Stormcutter's eyes.

but an intelligent, gentle creature... whose soul... reflected my own...

But not everything is calm. An ax interrupts the moment of silence, the Stormcutter roaring in fury as his pupils contract when they see Stoick.

[Stoick]Valka, run!..-He yells at her, avoiding the flames that the dragon threw at him-

[Valka]No! Don't!...-Valka tried to stop him, making the dragon turn towards her-

[Stoick]: Hold on!..-Stoick jumped through the flames to reach Hiccup, who was still crying-

[Valka]: No!...-She screamed when the Stormcutter grabbed her, and then began to fly- Stoick!...

[Stoick]: Valka!...-He tried to go to her, but it was too late-

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