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Mount Justice
November 11, 15:39 EDT

"Where's Iris?" Artemis asked blowing into a large green balloon.

"I think she had school." M'gann was still trying to make Wally's banner stay up. "But it works out, since she can make sure Wally gets here on time."

"School was closed today from the snow." I held the other end of the banner up, feeling the chair beneath me wobble. "Wally's in Gotham?"

M'gann gave me a confused look. "No."

"Then how is Iris going to get him here?" Artemis asked.

"From Central City?"

"Okay, better question," I stood on my tip toes to hold the banner high enough, "Why is Iris in Central City?"

"Well, they've been sleeping together," M'gann said plainly.

"WHAT?!" The chair beneath me tipped over and Artemis' balloon deflated across the room.

I held the back of my head in pain from the fall. A sick feeling erupted in my stomach, and my heart began to pound. Why couldn't I wrap my head around this?
"Wally? A-and Iris?"

Artemis finished my thought. "Sleeping together?"

"Ugh, hello, Megan! Not like that. I meant she's been living with him. You know? Sleeping at his house," she explained. "But come to think of it, I'm not sure if it's in that way or not."

"They have been getting closer recently," Kaldur said thoughtfully.

"I thought everyone knew that. Gnah eht retsop" Zatanna lifted her hands towards the banner that fixed itself.

"I thought they were just friends!" Artemis stammered. "I didn't know they were close close."

"How could KF not tell me he's been..."

"What's the big deal?" Zatanna asked. "I mean with all the time you spend together something like this was bound to happen, right?"

"Not KF and Iris, though!"

Zatanna raised her arms up in surrender, taking a step back. "Okay..."

"I wouldn't worry about it," M'gann quickly tried to diffuse the situation. "She probably just got bored of the cave and thought to stay with a friend, right Conner?"

He paused inflating the large balloon in his hand. "Right."

"Well, we can just watch them at the party," Artemis pointed out. "Then we'll know if they're actually a couple or not."

I sounded more horrified than I meant to, "I don't want to watch that!"

"Do you have something against them or something?" Zatanna questioned.

"N-no." I rambled trying to come up with an excuse, "I just thought they should share with the team. Avoid conflicts of interest and distractions and... stuff."

Mount Justice
November 11, 16:05 EST

    "Recognized Iris B-04, Kid Flash B-03."

    "Shh!" M'gann turned the lights off. "They're here."

    "Zeta tube network now offline due to extreme atmospheric conditions."

    "...Be a tragedy if I missed my own—"

    The lights flickered back on, "Surprise!"


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