3. beginnings

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Mount Justice
July 20, 21:32 EDT

The graphite bars on this planet were not as strong as the ones from home, but they shaded the page more nicely.

    I was not in the mood to draw, but it helped ensure that I would remember. I cannot picture my parents, or my brothers' faces. I cannot remember their names either. But I remember Fenix, and I remember Corvi. I wanted to scribble the image of them onto something tangible in case those memories fade from me too.

It also kept me occupied, allowing me to ignore the questions flooding my head. Who am I? Fragments of broken memories confirm things like my name, my age, where am I from, what I am. But who am I? What do I believe, what do I know about myself? Am I the kind of girl who yearns to fight for the greater good? What do I think the "greater good" even is? Robin continues to beg me to join the team, to become some kind of hero, but I do not even know what a hero is. I have read on paper and heard from others that the Justice League and those involved are the good guys, but is that true? Are there really ever any "good guys" or are we all just deluding ourselves to perceive things the way we want to? Or is someone else deluding our perception for us?

The door to my room opened and the graphite bar snapped in my hand. "Oh, sorry, did we interrupt you?" M'gann was draped in pink and the usual perky expression she wore, with Superboy brooding behind her.

I hid the drawing from their view, not wanting to raise any sort of questions that would be too painful to answer. Then, I brushed away the graphite powder. "No. What is it?"

"Wally had this idea about camping," M'gann explained. "I thought we'd make it a team thing. You know, bonding."

"I do not know what that is."

"Oh, like getting to know one another—"

"No, I know what bonding is. I meant camping."

"Oh," she bumped her forehead, "Hello, Megan! It's this thing people do on Earth where they sleep outdoors in tents and they have campfires, eat s'mores and do all sorts of stuff! Or at least that's what I've seen them do when they did it on TV."

Her explanation did not clear anything up for me. I glanced at Superboy, and he just gave me a shrug.

"I think it'll make more sense once you see it," M'gan added with a hopeful grin.

"We are to stay outside?"

"Yes," she nodded.

I hesitated for a while. The thought of interacting with everyone exhausted me, but so did sitting in this bed, digging myself into my own mental hole. "Sure."

"Yay!" M'gann celebrated instantly.

I followed them into the kitchen where Kaldur and Robin arrived a few minutes later.

"What's this I'm hearing about camping?" Robin said.

"Wally suggested it," M'gann said brightly.

"I have never taken part in human camping," Kaldur said. "Then again, we do not really have fire in Atlantis."

"Well, this will be my first time camping too," M'gann said, "Iris and Superboy's too!"

"So I'm the only one here who's been camping?" Robin realized as Wally ran in with his arms filled.

"—Just the two of us?"

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