Sam's Birthday

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Quick A/N:

AHHH I'm sorry that the wait was so long! I was taking time for my mental health, and I'm in much better condition right now. I'll probably start posting more chapters regularly. Also, can you guys give me suggestions on nicknames Sam can use for MC (Babe, cutie, etc.)?Anyways, back to the story!


Ugh, I did not sleep well last night, it was as if I slept on a tree or something like that.
"Morning Y/N!" Sam smiled.
"Huh?" I said groggily, "OH SHIT!" I jumped up out of Sam's arms. Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian laughed. "What time is it?"
"Nine-ish," Sebastian replied, "You slept with Sam the entire night, by the way." My face flushed a deep red.
"Yeah you were the last to wake up Y/N," Abigail continued, "Sam was being ultra careful to not wake you up. You looked so peaceful."
I glared at Sam. Abigail laughed.
"You could've woken me up!" I exclaimed.
"You need to loosen up more, its not like were dating," Sam teased.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," I scoffed, "I bet you wish we were though."
Sam's smirk quickly faded into pure embarrassment. We all laughed. "We should probably get going," Sebastian said, "I have something to get to."
"Me as well," Abigail agreed.
"Alright then, I'll see you guys," Sam replied.
"Hey, Y/N, come with us for a bit," Seb beckoned.
"Umm ok," I said as i walked over to were he and Abigail were standing.
"I hope you know its Sam's birthday today," Abigail whispered. Oh yeah, today is Summer 17, Sam's birthday, "Can you help us plan a party in the secret woods for him?"
"Mhm," I agreed.
"Alright then," Seb said, "Meet us in the secret woods in an hour. Everything's been cleared out already. All we need you to do is bring some decorations."
"Cool, see you then," I replied. "Sam, I have to go too."
"Okay, can I walk you home?" he asked.
"Sure, why not," I said. We walked together, to about Marnie's ranch when he pulled me aside.
"Hey, what did they tell you, and why can't I know?" Sam questioned.
"It's nothing important," I replied, "Don't sweat it."
"Hmm, alright," he said, clearly suspicious. But we continued the walk. We said our goodbyes, and I grabbed all of the party stuff from our basement. Streamers, balloons, there was even a blank banner. I also made a little present for him while I was down there. I brought all of that stuff to the secret woods and started to set them up when Abigail and Seb arrived.
"Wow, Y/N, you have an eye for decorating," Abigail remarked, "It looks really good so far."
"Thanks," I replied, "Did either of you guys bring a cake?"
"Yeah," Sebastian said as the brought out a two-tiered chocolate cake, "I also brought a bunch of sodas."
"Wait, who's coming?" I asked.
"Just us three, Maru, Alex, Penny, Haley and Emily, Elizabeth, and Harvey," he said.
"Oh ok," I replied. We finished setting up streamers, balloons, and we also wrote happy birthday on the banner. Abigail had brought a speaker, and had a playlist pre-made. There was a table with snacks, a cooler with drinks, and of course, the cake. After a few hours, everyone who was invited started to trickle into the venue.
"Hey, nice setup!" Alex remarked.
"Agreed," Maru said.
"When is this going to start?" Haley complained.
"As soon as Y/N gets Sam," Abigail replied.
"I never agreed to that!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah, but you're by far the closest with him, so just do it," Abigail said.
"Alright," I sighed. I walked over to Sam's place to get him. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Sam's brother, Vincent.
"Hey Vince, is Sam here?" I asked.
"Yeah, but he's locked himself in his room," Vincent replied, "I can go try to get him."
"That sounds great, thank you," I said. Vincent walked towards Sam's room.
"Sam! Y/N's here!" Vincent shouted. The door immediately unlocked.
"What's up?" Sam said.
"Can you come with me? I have a little something for you," I asked.
"Sure," he replied. I lead him to to the secret woods.
"Alright, trust me and close your eyes," I said, giving a thumbs up to Seb and Abigail.
"Alright, what is this Y/N? you've been acting weird all day," Sam questioned.
"Open your eyes to see," I smiled.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" we all exclaimed as Sam gradually opened his eyes.
"So this is what you three were planning!" Sam laughed. "Thank you!"
"Well what are we waiting for?!" Haley said, "He's here now, lets party!" As if on cue, Abigail turned up the music, and we all started dancing. Of course, Haley and Alex were dancing with each other, Maru was talking with Liz by the snacks, and Emily was downing soda after soda. Sam took my hand and we danced along with the music. The Rock Show was playing. Blink-182, I think, nevertheless, Sam and I were singing along.

I'll never forget you

I'll never forget you

We wished Sam a happy birthday, and tore into that cake. I have to say, Seb is a really good baker.
"Hey Sam, I got you a little present for your birthday," I said as I pulled him aside and handed him the small blue  gift box, "It's not much, but I think you'll like it."
He opened it to reveal a braided bracelet, made from blue and black string, with a tiger's eye in the middle.
"Thanks Y/N," He said putting it on, "It fits perfectly. And I promise to always wear it."
"Yeah, no problem," I replied.
"To be honest with you, I wasn't planning on doing anything for my birthday."
"Why?" I asked, "Everyone deserves to do something for their birthday."
"I don't know, I've just never really liked my birthday," he said, scratching his neck, "It's complicated stuff involving my Dad."
"Oh, I'm so sorry," I apologized, "I didn't mean to offend you."
"Hey! Don't say that!" Sam remarked, "You've done nothing wrong. And besides, you being here has made my birthday a lot more special,"
Sam gave one of those trademark sheepish smiles, "Why don't we go back to the party, I mean, it is my party after all."
"Since when did you become so vain, Skater-boy?" I teased.
"Oh I've always been vain," Sam winked, "I just don't think you noticed babe."
"Damn," I stuttered, "Way to return the favor."He laughed. "Cmon, lets go back to the party," he said. And so we dis. The party ended around 3 or 4 am, and somebody probably filed a noise complaint. Oh well, at least Sam had a good time.


Skater boy (Sam x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant