Chapter Fifty-Three

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A word before the words: this is a long chapter, and some of you may be disappointed with it, but my characters aren't exactly perfect. I'd really appreciate it if you left your thoughts on the chapter in the comments, though. I want to know what y'all think about this one.


I try to keep my eyes open for the movie Avni begged me to see, but it only gets harder by the passing minute. What is it with indecisive people that put other's lives on hold?

This movie's a big pile of shit.

The response is instant.

Lol. I know. I wanted you to watch it so that we can bitch about it together.

Avni. Fuck off.

Dude, thanks. I was hoping to get some tonight.

Good heavens! Is this the sister I raised?

Have some shame? At least don't tell me if you're going to do something like that.

Arreeeeeee! You have a problem with EVERYTHING! If I tell you, I'm shameless (which, ngl, I am), if I don't, you'll still get mad at me? -_-

At this point, I can't determine if Avni's joking around or is being serious.

Avi, I don't know if this is a joke anymore.

Don't worry, I'm not looking to attract STDs or worse, FEELINGS!

Good to know you have some sense.
Where are you going?


I chuckle at enthusiasm that I can hear and see even though she isn't actually visible to me.

Have fun! Don't get too drunk! Stay safe! Stay around people you know! Don't talk to strangers! Don't leave your drink unattended! And text me once you're back!

I hear the sound of my doorknob turning, and turn, ready with my assurances for Gayatri Athayya, but I'm thoroughly surprised when Arjun enters the room.

"Arjun?" I exclaim, shocked.

"What are you still doing up?" Arjun scolds. "And that too on your phone?" His gaze turns to the TV and back to me, glaring. "Ma said you had a headache? Is this how you're treating it? How careless are you? Do you have a care for anything at all?"

His eyes narrow in on my phone before I can leave it. "Put that phone away, first. I'm gone five days, and you have a fever!"

"But I—"

"No buts! Turn that TV off!" he demands.

"I don't even—"


Gosh! What am I? A five year old?

I switch off the TV, and move to get off the bed, pushing the comforter off of myself.

"Why are you getting up now?"

"Shh!" I shush him, standing up and walking over to him. "You're two days too late to the party, pretty boy," I remind him, linking my hands around his neck as I stand on my toes.

"How are you feeling?" Arjun asks, concerned, letting the dramatic farce fall.

"Perfectly alright," I reply, chuckling. "Why did you start terrorising me as soon as you entered?"

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