Chapter One

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I wheel my luggage trolley towards the exit of Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad. Dramatically, I take a deep breath in only to burst into a hacking cough. I take a sip of water from the plastic bottle I'd bought after landing.

It was an impulse purchase; like most of my luggage. Undeniably, coming home after two whole years means lots of gifts for the family, and I had enough for my rather huge one.

After I'd landed in Hyderabad, I had an irresistible urge to spend Indian rupees. So I bought a water bottle. I scrounged for change but found none. Out of desperation, I handed the cashier a two-thousand rupee note, only to be looked at like I'm stupid. I am, without a doubt, I agree. I ended up buying a dozen doughnuts, with the water bottle and then the cashier magically whipped out notes of all denominations. He even braved a sheepish smile.

"Arvi!" I hear a voice and look around trying to spot my elder brother, Karthik.

When I didn't find him, I blame my longing to go home and continue on my path toward the bay area to wait for my dearest brother, hoping he'd come soon.

A tap on my shoulder alerts me to the presence of Karthik, who was grinning ear-to-ear.

"Karthik Anna," I squeal in excitement as I throw my arms around his neck.

He chuckles easily and wraps his arms around me. "Well, your wish has been granted." He presses a quick kiss into my hair. I pull away with a smile, holding back comments on his mushiness.

He looks at the box of doughnuts on the trolley and then at me with disapproving narrowed eyes. I pass him a sheepish smile and raise my shoulder slightly.

He takes over the trolley, shaking his head in disbelief. "Looks like you built some muscle," I comment, poking his biceps as he wheels my luggage trolley for me.

He shrugs nonchalantly, but I don't miss the hint of a smug grin on his ugly face. "Well, I guess I did," he says, trying to sound humble. If only the visuals met the audio.

Once we reach the car, the driver takes over the luggage trolley. He asks me if I'm fine, to which I reply in affirmative and politely inquire about his well-being. An unmissable tint of pink rushes to the humble man's face as he answers my question. I hide my chuckle with a smile, not wanting to offend the middle-aged man.

Karthik and I quickly settle in the back of the car as Raju, the driver, piles my luggage in the trunk. "So?" I start, "How is your fiancée?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

"She's fine," he says, letting a small smile slip his lips at the mention of his fiancé.

"When am I meeting her?" I ask. Karthik doesn't meet my eye as he pretends to busy himself in his phone. "Definitely before the wedding, I hope," I warn. He's not marrying a girl I haven't even met.

"The wedding is two weeks away, Arvi," he says, implying it would not be possible for me to meet his fiancée.

I glare at him warningly, pulling both my brows together. "You aren't getting married without my approval," I warn him.

He narrows his eyes at me, accusingly. "Too bad you weren't here," he says. I know he's not the happiest and is even mad at me about my absence at his formal and informal engagement ceremonies.

I force myself to grin in an attempt to shift the topic of conversation to something lighter. "Don't tell me you missed me," I tease.

He rolls his eyes at me, masking his emotion. "I didn't."

"Sure, you didn't," I tease further. When he doesn't respond to my teasing, I choose the other track. "Karthik Anna, I'm your only sister, well," I correct myself, "Your only sibling-sister. How can you get married without my approval?" I whine.

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