Chapter 15

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Lillian stepped out of the shower a long while later and carefully went to the kitchen, trying her very best to avoid staying on her injured leg for too long. She poured herself some orange juice, took her laptop and sat on the porch.

Sitting, and opening her laptop, she stared at the chapter she'd written to get the ideas around Jax out of her head just so she could move on and get started on the actual manuscript for her book. Now, she just stared at it and knew if the writing she'd done earlier hadn't helped her get rid of the idea of Jax as her main character, then there was no hope.

She had ideas and she had ideas, the difference was one came when she was feeling inspired and her imagination couldn't stop running wild. She'd like them manifest and sometimes they stuck, sometimes they didn't. Then there were the ideas, the great ones she got from those ideas that stuck around.

At this point, she knew which was which, and Jax was stuck as an idea. There was no getting rid of it as she'd hoped. The dummy chapter she'd written to get rid of the idea wasn't a dummy anymore. She would have to go with the flow as she'd always trusted it to take her somewhere unexpected and so far, it's worked out great.

After the little time she'd spent with Jax, she'd gotten a glimpse of who he actually is. But that was just the surface, she needed to get deeper, understand who he really is; fictitiously or otherwise. Lillian went through the dummy chapter that was no longer a dummy trying to turn it into a chapter she could use in her book as she edited, cut and added. She then took out her notebook and started to build the main characters, their personalities, their quirks, their habits and a lot more.

When she looked up from her notebook, it was because there was a knock on the door. She looked down the porch which led to the front of the cabin.


Lillian recognized the voice and wondered what was going on.
"I'm here." She called.

Soon, the knocking stopped as she heard footsteps approach. Mindy came into view; she smiled and made her way towards Lillian.

"There you are," Mindy said. " When you didn't answer the door, I was starting to wonder if you'd fallen."

"I'm fine." Lillian said.

Mindy placed a bag on the table and sighed.
"How are you? You poor thing."

"I'm fine, Mindy," Lillian answered suspiciously. "What's going on?"

"I heard what happened. How's the leg?"

Oh, shoot.
Lillian thought.

"My leg. How did you find out?"

"Oh well, Davis was at my place a while ago, he mentioned it."

"How does Davis know?"

"Well, he heard from his dad, who heard from Jax who went to Parker's earlier to get a bandage for your leg."

Oh. Well, not complicated at all.

"Alright," Lillian said not knowing what else to say. "Well, it's not that bad. Just a little sprain."

Mindy looked at her leg and back at her.
"That looks bad."

"It looks worse than it is." She promised.

"Anyway, I thought I'd bring you some dinner. I didn't want you to have to struggle to make yourself one."

Lillian was surprised.
"Mindy, you didn't have to."

"Oh, I had to. I couldn't just sit back and let you have you bad."

Lillian smiled.
"It's so sweet of you. Thank you so much."

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