The Truth

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Although she loved to sing, her voice wasn't as stable as Jungkook's. It wasn't as emotional as Jin's, nor soulful like Taehyung's. It wasn't stunning like Jimin's. It was good enough, and that was okay because what she loved to do most was write songs.

She was someone who had trouble talking about her thoughts and feelings. Writing songs was the only way she could truly express herself. That was why she was so happy when she was given a studio to work in. Not only because the company wanted her to contribute, but because now she had her own little space she could retreat to.

One thing she was never satisfied with when creating songs were her lyrics. They always sounded a little cheesy to her ears. That was one of the reasons she had idolised Namjoon. He was a master lyricist and she had been hoping to learn from him.

Ever since she had been given her own studio, she had been working hard on songs to submit for the new album. She was nowhere near Yoongi's level, writing a new song every day, but over the months she had created a collection that she deemed good enough to submit for consideration.

Today, they were in a meeting about which songs had been selected. She was excited to see if any of her songs had been chosen, but also nervous to see what her group members would think.

They were all sitting around a long table. Jungkook was opposite her at the end of the table, and Jimin was next to her. Recently, the dancer had been very quiet around her. She had noticed him glancing at her with a strange expression on his face, and she wondered what he was up to.

"We've chosen the first draft of your next album, I mean, the first album with you as a group of eight. Anyway, let's listen to each track and hear your thoughts."

As they went through each track, she wrote down her notes and comments. When it was a track one of the boys had worked on, they would proudly announce that it was theirs. She was elated when they played one of the tracks she had submitted, but tried to suppress her excitement so the others wouldn't notice.

"Who worked on this one?"

"Yeah, I don't recognise it. Who's been keeping this from us?"

"Kookie, is this one of yours?"

"It's not mine, Hyung."

"Then, Tae, is this one of your hidden masterpieces."

"No, Hyung, I told you I didn't submit anything this time."


The boys followed the staff's gaze to the end of the table. She slowed raised her hand, a timid smile on her face. Jungkook stared at her wide-eyed, along with the rest of the boys who were also surprised. Yoongi narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

"You? You wrote this?"

"Umm, yeah..."

"Wow, good job!"

Hoseok was the first to compliment her, then Namjoon voiced what they had all been thinking.

"I didn't know you wrote songs."

"You never asked."

She whispered it under her breath, not really meaning to voice her thought out loud, but it was still loud enough for Jimin to hear.

"It's really good. I'd love to hear some of your other work sometime."

"Oh, thank you. Uh, sure, I guess, if you really want to."

"Me too!"

"And me."

Jimin was joined by Taehyung and Jungkook in showing that they wanted to spend time with her. 

She was very confused as Taehyung grinned at her, not in the way he had been since they met, but in a warm and friendly way. Her cheeks turned red at the attention she was being given. But she had to wonder if she could trust this newfound amiability from her group mates.

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