The Chance

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Wang Yibo had booked them a table at a western-style place, as he knew that she was still partial to that kind of food for breakfast. They talked for a while about what they had been up to. Yibo told her about recording Street Dance China, and she thanked him for teaching her to dance.

"I wouldn't have survived otherwise, so thank you."

"I was just doing my job."

"Oh, right, of course. Um, what projects do you have lined up next?"

She tried to stay enthused as Yibo told her about his packed schedule, but she had started to doubt that what Tao had told her was true.

Perhaps he doesn't feel that way anymore? A lot of things have changed since then. Why did he even come here?

When the time came for them to say goodbye, she was trying to build up her courage to ask him something.

"Yibo... we - well, we probably won't see each other for a long time again, so I was wondering - I mean, would you mind if..."

While she was about to change her mind, Yibo panicked at thinking that he might not see her for a while.

"Can I give you a hug?"

"Huh? Yes! I mean, I'd like that."

They stood awkwardly for a moment and then Yibo reached out and pulled her against his chest, wrapping his arms around her. She tentatively wrapped her arms around him too and hoped that he couldn't feel how fast her heart was beating.

They had only hugged once before. It was when she had been voted out of the competition, and it had been so brief that sometimes she wondered if it had ever actually happened. Today was different. He held her tightly and rested his head against hers.

Too soon they had to part ways and both of them with something left unsaid.


"Yibo, you've acting weird all afternoon. What's up?"

He had met up with his Hyungs from UNIQ, Sungjoo and Seungyoun.

"I didn't tell her."


Seungyoun elbowed Sungjoo and whispered to him as if he was gossiping.

"He's talking about that girl who was in the competition he mentored for. You know, the one who joined BTS as their 8th member."

"Oh! What didn't you tell her?"

Yibo hesitated to tell them.

"Has our Yibo finally fallen in love?"

The older boys laughed until they saw Yibo's expression.

"What? Really?"


Seungjoo slapped Seungyoun on the leg.

"Stop teasing him! Go on, tell Hyung everything."

And so Yibo told them everything. How they met, how he felt, how he didn't know what to do.

"And I thought you came all the way to Korea to see us!"

Seungyoun acted heartbroken, while Seungjoo rolled his eyes at the younger.

"So, why haven't you confessed to her? This morning was the perfect opportunity."

"I chickened out."

"You, who rides a motorcycle scarily fast for a second job without fear, was scared!"

"This isn't really my forte, Hyung."

"Okay, okay. You still have time. Your fight's not until late, right?"

"What? You want me to confess tonight?"

"Well, when else are you going to do it? It's now or never!"

Prepared To Hate YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang