chapter two. the saviours

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Third person perspective (Y/N) was 21, he trained in a small apartment now that his music took off a little. he managed to buy the apartment and set up a home gym and a punching bag, he picked his life up and made some music, one day as he was doing his normal routine before a knock came on the door, he got up and opened it, a white mask busted through and started to fight him, he landed a few hits before getting knocked out, two more walked in and ransacked the place before walking out with him over one masks shoulders.


First person perspective

(Y/N) I awoke strapped to a chair after a punch to the cheek, I groaned as I look around to the sight of a mask

(W/M) "wake up... The boss wants to see you and he dosen't seem to happy"

(Y/N) I sigh and nod

(W/M) if you try to escape we will kill you. Got that?

(Y/N) I nod as I get untied getting up I stretch and get pushed to the bosses main room, it had three windows and one door out and in, I look around and sigh realizing there is no escape, I await for the boss to speak.

(Mask boss) "I have an offer to propose, if you deny you die so you don't really have a choice, become one of us, we will control the world together, become the most powerful people in the wor-" a window smashed and a smoke grenade popped in

(Y/N) I see the smoke fill the room and I find a chance to get down knocking the one mask behind me down and out, I get in front of the desk away from vision of the boss, I hear the other two windows break and two gunshots, I curl up as I hear yelling, two women I thought to myself

???: "EVERYBODY ON THE FUCKING GRO- oh, their dead... I thought there was three in here was there not?"

(Y/N) as the smoke cleared I kept curling up, the two women walked past me, one with blonde hair and the other with red they both turn and look around the room, they spot me and the blonde one rushes over

???: "Oh my god, are you okay?

(Y/N) I don't respond, hell I've been mute the past 3 months I've been captured and I don't plan on speaking anytime soon, I nod slightly as I look at the two, the blonde picks me up and radios in something before going out a window, they rappel down with me and carry me to a helicopter, they put me in a seat and close the doors, two others hopped in as the two women got in, a man with a weird visor and a Mexican accent and a Japanese man, I look at them all

(Blonde woman) "we only found one, the rest were dead" she looked down clearly sad

(Japanese male) Monika, it's okay, damn masks take anyone's life that deny their recruitment...those bastards...

(Mexican male) sì, they won't spare anyone amigo, it's not anyone's fault

(Y/N) I look around confused, they seemed to be friends, or Allies, so many thoughts were flowing through my mind right then and there.

(Redhead woman) yeah, damn masks, hopefully we can take them down eventually...

(Y/N) after a while I see them all slowly fall asleep, wouldn't be bad to get some rest, I close my eyes and peacefully drifted off nodding my head back sleeping.

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