chapter 3. the mute recruitment

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(Y/N) I awoke in what looked to be a medical facility with it's drab grey and white walls, I looked around before someone walked up to me, he looked to be a doctor, I estimated off his hight he was in his mid 30s-40s I looked him up and down as he so I thought inspected me for wounds, the blonde chick from before walked in and sat next to my bed in a chair. I tried to contact using sign language "where am I? Who are you?" I asked instead of using my mouth, I have been mute for three months after all

(Blonde chick) she spoke with a medium German accent "welcome to the rainbow six base, and I'm Monika, field name is IQ" she had a forgiving smile on her face

(Y/N) "three months, I was stuck there I. That horrible base for three months" I felt myself want to cry but held back because there were people around, I just thought back at the horrible memories of the first time I got stolen into the masks, it all came back as one traumatic experience

(IQ) "three months... Wow, that must have been hell, and the injuries they gave you... Sick fucks the masks are"

(Y/N) I nod pulling a sleeve up, it was covered in scrapes, marks and other bruises, I hate those fuckers, ever since I realized they killed my parents, I've always wanted to stop them

(IQ) "o-oh my god" I gasped as I looked at this guy's arm, he probably had a lot more under it that I couldn't see, I still felt really bad as I looked

(Y/N) "truly, it's nothing" I lay back as I close my eyes before the intercom came over,it said "IQ, Sledge, Blackbeard and zero, please report to the briefing room immediately."

(IQ) I hear the intercom and sigh "well that's my queue, see ya" I walked out sighing and yawning.

(Y/N) she walked out and I closed my eyes, I tried sleeping but couldn't so I looked around, j saw some papers beside me and looked at them, rainbow recruitment, I know how to hold a gun and I've built my own type of thing in the past, if just have to rebuild it, I signed it and waited for someone else to talk to me hopefully, I then put them down and closed my eyes, I passed out immediately, smiling for the first time in forever.

(Hey there, I'm trying to put one or two chapters out daily but I might miss a day once school starts back up and work starts to flow in)

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