Chapter 11

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Eva's POV
My alarm went off and I woke up. I really don't wanna go to school today. I don't wanna see Anna or anyone for that matter. I forced myself out of bed and took and shower and did my hair and make up. I put on a pair of loose jeans and a fitted shirt. I packed my stuff for cheer and went downstairs to wait for Emma. She honked the horn and I went outside and hopped in her car.

Emma: You look pretty babe.
Eva: Thanks.
Emma: You're still in a bad mood?
Eva: I feel like I have a right to be in a bad mood.
Emma: Fuck Anna, she's just a stupid fboy.
Eva: I know you're right.

We drove to school and parked we got out and went to home room. I sat down in my seat next to Conner.

Conner: Hey Eva.
Eva: Hey Conner.
Conner: What happened to you at the party on Friday, you just disappeared.
Eva: I... um... I just started feeling sick so I laid down in a bed upstairs and fell asleep.
Conner: Oh too much liquor?
Eva: Definitely too much.

The announcements came on and then the bell rang to go to first period. I walked in and saw Anna was already there. I could feel her looking at me but I just ignored it. I sat down at my table. I could still feel her eyes, so I turned and started a casual conversation with Christian hoping she would stop. The bell rang again and class started. The teacher was rambling on about who gives a fuck and I just sat there blankly staring at the board. Then I heard something.

Anna: pssst (she was trying to get my attention).

I pretended I didn't hear it.

Anna: Eva (she whispered quietly).

I still ignored it.

Anna: Eva I wanna talk to you (she whispered again).

What could she possibly have to say to me? "I'm sorry"? Yea right. I ignored her for the whole class period, it was really hard because she would not stop. She even tried to pass me a note which I didn't read I just threw it in the trash. I barely managed to evade her in the halls, luckily I blend in pretty well. When lunch time rolled around I sat at my usual table with Emma and the others.

Anna's POV
I was sitting at my lunch table with my friends. I tried all first period to talk to Eva. I tried to text her but it wouldn't go through, she must've blocked me. Maybe it's a good thing she didn't talk to me. I'm not even sure what I wanna say. I've never had feelings before.

Dev: Hello? Anna? (she said waving her hand in front of my face).
Anna: Yea what?
Dev: What's up with you? Why're you being so quiet?
Taylor: Anna's in loveeee. (she said laughing).
Dev: Anna? Love? (she laughed too).
Anna: Shut up I'm not in love.
Taylor: She's all messed up in the head over that girl Eva.
Dev: Omg the bet girl? (she said shocked).
Anna: I don't know what it is bro, It's like I'm drawn to her. Like I just want her.
Dev: You want to start a relationship with the girl you made money having sex with? Yea that's not a bad idea at all (she said sarcastically).
Anna: She doesn't know about the bet idiot.
Dev: Not yet.
Anna: You're not gonna tell her.
Dev: Of course I'm not gonna tell her that's evil. But you know how stuff spreads bro.
Anna: She'll never know.
Taylor: You better hope not.
Anna: What do I do guys I really wanna talk to her.
Dev: Then just go talk to her she's literally right over there.
Anna: I tried this morning, I think she's mad at me.
Dev: Why's she mad?
Anna: The night after the party I invited her over to "chill" and she got really upset and left after I made a move. Apparently she thought it was like a date or something.
Dev: Ouch, that's not good.
Anna: Maybe I should just go try and talk to her again (I said standing up).
Taylor & Dev: No! (they said pushing me back to my seat).
Anna: What?!
Taylor: If you already tried just talking to her trying again is only gonna make it worse, especially in front of her friends.
Dev: True.
Anna: So what do I do?
Taylor: I don't know her, what does she like?
Anna: What do you mean?
Taylor: Like candy, flowers, that kind of stuff. Maybe she just needs to know you're serious.
Anna: I have no idea what she likes.
Dev: Ask her friend, Emma.
Anna: Yea I could do that.

The rest of the day went by slow. After school I went down to the locker rooms and changed for soccer practice. I changed quickly so I could wait outside hoping Emma would come out first so I could talk to her without Eva around. I waited and Emma came out first.

Anna: Hey Emma.
Emma: Gross (she scoffed and tried to walk away).
Anna: No wait I need to ask you something.
Emma: No thanks (she said continuing walking).
Anna: I wanna ask you about Eva. (I said walking with her).
Emma: About how you used her?
Anna: It's not like that.
Emma: Oh it's not? She seemed to think so.
Anna: I know I messed up and I feel really bad.
Emma: You should.
Anna: I wanna make it up to her.
Emma: Why?
Anna: Because... I think I like her. Like a lot.
Emma: What? Are you serious?
Anna: Dead serious. She's the first person I felt like this for.
Emma: So why are you telling me.
Anna: Because I've already tried to talk to her and she just ignores me. I need advice...
Emma: Hmm...
what should happen next? suggestions? thoughts?
ideas on what Anna should do to get Eva? mind is blank.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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