Chapter Twenty-Nine: Texts

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Pre-note... this is not the end of the world, or Ninnox.

We danced there for hours, my hands around his neck and his hands on my hips holding me close to him. I ignored my aching feet, and my cold fingers, because I felt warm, warm as Niall pulled me even closer to him, and I rested my cheek on his chest, his hands moving up to my back, rubbing it. His heartbeat thudded into my ears, and I smiled at the steady beat. Does his heart beat for me like mine beats for him.

“I love you.” I whisper, and Niall’s hands tighten on my back. “I didn’t think it was possible to love this much Ni.”

Niall stays silent, and I’m afraid I shared too much, showed him how vulnerable I am by showing him these feelings I have for him, and I suddenly feel my heart clench, Niall’s heart rate picking up and his breathing becoming shallower, as if he was trying to find his words, or make sense of what I said. Because I’d basically told him I never want to be with anyone except him. That I want to marry him, grow old with him, raise kids with him. I want the whole sha-bang with him, the fights, the making up, hell, I’ll deal with the distance if it means that I’m never going to lose him. I don’t want to lose him. I don’t think I’d ever get over it.

Niall pulls himself out of my grip, and I slowly raise my eyes up to his, showing confusion, yet love and passion and lust and anger, a range of mixed emotions that I’d never seen by just looking into someone’s eyes.

“Lennox,” He says slowly, and I nod, watching him still. “I know I must’ve said this a billion times, and if I haven’t, well you’ve gotta know that I’ve always meant it, you...are the one.”

I lunge my arms around his neck, lifting my legs as he spins me around, laughing at my reaction. “I love you.” He whispers, and sits me on the ledge of the building, kissing my lips and murmuring “one.” He pecks them again, “two.” He pecks again, and I attempt to hold his lips on mine longer than a second, but Niall laughs, still muttering “three.” But this time when he leans in to kiss my lips, I lean backwards, and he topples on top of me.

“What are you doing?” I ask, and Niall kisses my jaw this time.

“Kissing you as many times as it takes for you to realise how much I love you.” He kisses my hand whilst muttering the next number, and then I giggle as he begins leaving pecks up my arm.

“Well, if it’s as much as I love you, then it’s a lot.” I tell him, still giggling like an idiot. Niall laughs loudly, standing up and holding out his hand to help me up.

“Let’s get back to the room.” Niall says, and I nod, still holding onto his hand we walk towards the door, I grab the stereo as Niall opens the door, but when I go back... Niall is still staring at the door.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, as Niall begins slamming his fists on the door, but I can already tell what’s happened, otherwise we would’ve already opened the door by now.

“It must have locked itself.” Niall mutters, and I immediately pull out my phone, and sigh as I see the familiar black screen.

“Do you have your phone?” I ask, and Niall hands it to me, still staring at the door, as if staring at it will help us off the roof.

The first thing I notice is text messages, and there’s a lot of them. Which would be understandable if it were off the boys asking us where we’ve been for the past few hours, but it’s not. It’s not them, but it’s certainly someone who I never thought would be on his phone. Becca.

I’m about to demand answers, when Niall is still looking away, and I unlock his phone, scrolling through the texts.

From Becca (22:15)

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