Chapter Forty-Eight: Win A Girl's Heart

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“Rob this is Dani.” I introduce, Dani pulling Rob into a hug.

“It’s so great to finally meet you.” Dani says, “And, congrats, I guess.” Her two words on the end made me narrow my eyes at her, and Dani rolls her eyes. Does she want Rob to think that no one was happy about our engagement except us? Because he was trying to make it look that way! “So, when will you be celebrating the engagement?” She asks, at least she was trying to make conversation with him. I dread to see how Leon will react to him. Leon wasn’t bothered about what happened between Niall and I like Dani was, but because of our ages. Which just didn’t seem to make sense.

It was weird that I’d been engaged to Rob for two weeks. Two weeks since I’d kissed Niall, yet I swear I could still remember precisely the feel of his lips against mine, the hot breath tingling on my lips.

“I don’t know.” I reply honestly. “Maybe I could invite a few people around tonight, we could celebrate and you’ll be able to meet more of my friends?” I look to Rob for confirmation, who smiles broadly, nodding to me.

“Great! I’ll call up everybody!” Dani exclaims. And I almost want to scream at her. She can’t invite ‘everyone’ anymore.

“Cool.” Rob nods his head again and then nudges me. “Where’s the bathroom?” I point to the door that’s ajar and Rob stalks off to the bathroom, and Dani talks excitedly on the phone.

“Dani, not Niall.” I tell her, and she pouts at me. Dani had already revealed that the One Direction boys had returned home for two weeks, and Dani was the one to insist that we return to London for a week so that he could meet everyone.

“Why not Niall?” She asks, and I roll my eyes at her. Maybe because last time Rob mentioned Niall he said he wanted to beat the crap out of him.

“Just, no.” I tell her, deciding not to talk about the jealousy of my fiancé, and grab my purse. “I’ll go and get some alcohol and things. Be nice to Rob.”

“I’m always nice!” Dani insists to my fleeting back, as I close the door behind me.

I hate myself, honestly I hate myself with a burning passion. I think about Rob, and Niall comes quickly behind him, fighting for my attention in my mind. That’s what it felt like, a fight, but one thought they were fighting a losing battle. Niall.

“I promise, this will be my last message Lennie. I just... I’m not sure what to do anymore. I want to move on, I want to forget about you, but you’re stopping me. I mean, you’re getting married in what? Three months, and I can’t stop thinking about you. I think about stopping the wedding. But I know I can’t. I guess, I give up Lennie, I can’t keep fighting when I know nothing will come of it, nothing. I can’t bear to think of winning you back, when I’m just going to lose you. Bye.”

The message that he had sent only yesterday made me feel dead inside. It wasn’t supposed to, but I can’t help the way I react to absolutely everything Niall does.

I enter the first supermarket I come to, which happened to be Tesco, and walk inside, grabbing a trolley and sweeping around the isles. I grab crisps and chocolates, shivering past the frozen isles. I pass magazine racks, grimacing at my face on the front, grabbing wedding magazines to stop myself, but my hand reacts for itself, grabbing the magazine with Niall and I on the front and flipping through the pages until I see the article written about me. Trashed about agreeing to marry Rob, even though I’d kissed Niall only hours before, accusing the relationship of being fake and for publicity, accused to stringing two guys along. I roll my eyes, placing it back in its place, and am about to move when-

“You shouldn’t read articles about yourself.” I freeze, not because the Irish voice makes me feel weak at the knees, but because I feel as if I physically can’t move anymore, paralysed. If people saw me with him, all sorts of questions would be asked, and it would damage everything, but a part of me just didn’t seem to care, and I swivelled around on the spot.

“Hi.” I mutter. “I’ve got to go and get some alcohol. See you around.”
“So have I.” He walks in step with me, clearly understanding that I had no need to talk to him, and I was trying to get away from him. “I thought you were in America?”

“We came back.”
“We?” He questions, but I can tell that he realises who we entailed when he sighs. “Oh.”

We reach the liquor, and I grab a large crate of beers, and then bend down for another, but Niall beats me to it. Crouching down and lifting it up easily, and placing it in my trolley.

“Why are you getting so much beer?” He asks, and I bite my lip.

“Just some friends are coming over...” I trail off. “Do you want to come?” He chuckles.

“I would love to, but I’m busy myself.” I want to ask, I want to demand why he would pass up the opportunity to spend time with me. He holds his basket out in front of him, grabbing two bottles of wine and placing them into his basket, and I can’t help but stare at his basket.

“If you hadn’t taken me paintballing on our first date.” I ask him, squeezing his hand, “If we were back in London, what would you have done?” Niall ponders on it for a moment, swinging our hands childishly.

“I would invite you over to my flat, cook you spaghetti bolognase with some... white wine." He stops, smiling. "And then we’d watch a trashy romantic film on the sofa. I think my cooking and great film taste would win a girl’s heart.”

My heart lurched at the items in his basket that he would need for spaghetti bolognase, the white wine bottles that he had just placed in the basket, and The Vow propped up. He had a date.

“That’s too bad. All the guys should be coming over.” I tell him. Niall nods sympathetically. “I would’ve loved to be there.” He sighs, “Actually, it’s probably best I wasn’t, Rob probably isn’t too happy with me. And as I said, I have plans.” He motions to the basket, and my heart pounds. My lips want me to just press them to his, make him drop the basket and forget all about the girl who he was trying to impress, but the engagement on my finger told me not to.

“Have fun at the engagement party.” Niall tells me, and before I can stop myself, my mouth rushes out.

“Have fun on your date.” Niall’s smile fades, and I hope that he wants to laugh, reassure me that I’m the only one for him, he’ll never give up, not until that wedding band is on my finger. But Niall motions to the basket again, and his smile grows wider.

“I will.” 


DUN DUN DUUUUUN! Cheeky Nialler, you cheeky thang ;P

Only 12 chapters left waaaaahhh :(

Song on the side is Scream and Shout by Will.I.Am feat. Britney Spears, I don't think anyone will actually understand my love for this song. I listen to it pretty much everyday. It's just... I just love it okay?! :D

And... hopefully this worked... but on the side is the cover of the spin-off to Dance With Me :D 

So yes, after Dance With Me, there will not only be the sequel, there will also be a spin-off! Which I am sooo excited about! :D

So there will Storylines... which will be a romance about a girl with Harry

And the sequel to DWM (which will be shorter) is called.....

Wait for it...

Wait some more....

One More Night! :D

I can't really reveal the cover for that one... for reasons that you will understand in the future....

So, two new stories! :D Yay! 

I'll reveal more about both books in the near future... 

65 votes and 45 comments (not counting my own comments ;D) for the next chapter? :)


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