Lilith x Yandere!Reader: Bouquet

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(A/N: I was asking my friend for a title and she goes "Obsessive... girllll" you don't know how hard I was laughing. Anyways this is based off my friend and her crush that isn't even a crush anymore, it's obsession. Nayelishop this u?)

Requested by: My friend

TW: Mentions of blood, Obsessiveness, Killing. 

If any of these things trigger you please do not read this.

Lilith's POV:

Ding dong

'Who is at my house so early? It's 3 in the morning' I ponder, I quickly throw on a decent shirt and head down the creaky stair 'Titan this house is old'  I pass by the kitchen and living room and make my way to the front door.

I slowly open the front door but no one seems to be there, "Hel- oh?" I look down to see a bouquet of a variety of flowers. 'How lovely.'  I bring the flowers inside and sit on the red couch I sniff them really quick and I immediately regret it, "Ugh, what is this!?" Whatever it was it wasn't flowers.

I draw a spell to turn the lights on. 'Those aren't flowers...'

I stare in terror, the said "flower bouquet" was various limbs of witches and demons. There are gouged out eyeballs, severed hands, severed feet, and multiple ears.

I practically throw the bouquet across the room, I see a envelope fall out of the side. I'm not sure how I didn't realise that before but better late than never. 'I wonder I could see who this is through the letter' 

I'm honestly terrified to open the letter, the bouquet was horrid so this letter could be anything. I rip the envelope open and unfold the letter inside. It read:

My Dearest Lilith,

                      I hope you liked the bouquet, I worked very hard on it! You liked it didn't you? Those horrid witches and demons were trying to terrorize you, so I thought I would help! I know you won't turn me in because you'd just be turning yourself in too, plus I'm trying to help you! You should know that, I'll be waiting for you!!

                                                                                                            Yours truly, (Y/N)

'Disgusting, at least I know the name of this creep' I remark in my head, I just want to sleep. Actually let's do that we can deal with this tomorrow, 

I walk back up the creaky stairs and pace to my bedroom. I lift up the covers and doze off, the last thing I heard was a shrill giggle.

Time Skip to Morning

(Y/N)'s POV:

'Another day, another dollar. And another day to see my beloved'  I giggle at the thought.

"Hey, dude. I expect my reward." I tell the man running the bounty stand, I hold up the creature. He grunts and hands me a bag of what I assume to be 10,000 snails, he takes the creature out of my hand.

'Titan, I can't believe I've been doing this since I was 5! I've been doing this for 40 years and I'm still not bored'

I walk off to find my next sacrifice for Lilith. Ohh what I wouldn't do to run my hands through her hair again. Crap, I need another weapon. Ah well, at this rate I can afford anything.

I find my next victim, they have short orange hair and their back is turned to me so I can't see many of their details. 'Oh well, wrong place wrong time buddy'

I don't want to use magic, so I use a katana to stab them first. They let up a blood curdling  scream and they end up falling forwards. "Dude, could you shut up. I'm trying to end your suffering, you should be thanking me." I tell them, nonchalantly and kneel down to them.

'Hmm, what should I do with this one? Ooh I should cut out their heart!'

I flip them body over and plunge the knife just right of the heart, 'Alright I think they're dead now...'  I start to cut around where the heart like it's a piece cardboard. A sangria liquid flows out of their body. I lift the skin up and reach into the body, I scoop the heart up bare-handed and watch the access blood drip onto the floor. I take out a ziplock bag and drop the heart in, 'Perfect, actually what if...'   I cut myself off

I reach into my bag and pull out a baseball bat. 'Skull's cracking are always satisfying' I think to myself. "Eh, they're dead now he can't feel it" I jump to get the perfect amount of momentum and wham the bat into they're skull. I hear the spine-chilling yet satisfying crack.

'Whelp, time to bring this to Lulu~'

I use magic to clean off the katana and the bat, and I make them invisible. I put the bagged heart in another bag.

'Wow bag in a bag, I'm so funny'

I walk to her house and place it by the front door, then I ring the doorbell

She'll like me soon enough~


Word Counter: 824

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