○Chapter 7○- Garden

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3 months later-

It has been pretty peaceful ever since I started using the kitchen most of my time.

The days fly by quite faster than I had expected and the little prince Victor had been secretly visiting from time to time.

He would stay put patiently as I work and would even bring his lessons with him to do while waiting as well.

It's nice to see him work hard even at such a young age, but what can you do, he is a prince after all.

Also his new favorite thing to eat now are my chocolate chip cookies.

I had made them once as a test and the little prince immediately loved it to bits.

With that noted, I would make it more often as a snack while he did his own duties.

With the extra time I had after the prince left was to explore my side of the mansion where the duke and the duchess don't bother to come to.

Unexpectedly I had found an abandoned garden in the far back of the west side of the mansion that seemed to be overrun with many weeds and untrimmed grass everywhere.

This garden had a fountain which is not working anymore, and had been covered in vines and weeds. In front of the fountain was a stone bench that was also been over run with weeds.

In the nearby surrounds were tall burly bushes that were untrimmed and spreading too much.

This would need hard work to restore, but it's the thought that counts when renovating by hand.

I had nothing better to do after baking so let's renovate this garden!

The location is quite close to my room so it's not tough to go back and forth if needed.

I was excited to start and asked Christophe when he was nearby.

"Young Master wants to renovate the west side garden?" Christophe was a bit hesitant with the idea considering that I was a noble.

"Yeah, is it alright if you can get me some supplies to get those pesky weeds out, trimmers and a shovel as well?" I said excitedly as I really wanted to start my own flower garden.

"Well... if Young master insist then I'll try to find some materials. What would master like to plant there?", Christophe couldn't say no to such sparkly and lively eyes of Noah and accepted his fate.

What to plant? As I thought, I always loved flowers and there beauty when they are in bloom. Out of all flowers, I loved hydrangeas in my last life so let's go with that.

Hydrangeas are beautiful flowers of many colors from blue, pink, white, and purple. The flowers they create all come together and form like how dandelion are. They symbolize gratitude, beauty, and grace which is also why I love them.

"Is it possible to plant hydrangeas in that garden?", I asked Christophe in hope that it might be in this world.

"Hydrangeas? They are a bit more expensive than roses...." Christophe said as he glances at me and sees me become a little depressed because I myself forgot I was broke.

"I'll do my best to get you them.." Christophe couldn't stop feeling troubled with my expression and gloomy atmosphere and agreed to help.

I lit up a bit but also let bad for Christophe as he had to buy them. "...I'll make you something really delicious! I'm sorry to trouble you..." I said a little shyly and mumbled at the end a bit, but Christophe could still hear it.

Christophe smiled and patted my head, "Don't worry, I'll get you those supplies. Take your time with the meal, it's a promise."

I giggled and said, "It's a promise!"

It's been a while since I felt the warmth of being cared for, it felt really nice...

If this was really what it's like to be cared for then why can't all parents be like this, why do I have to suffer with the people who birthed me and was suppose to love me.

Though sad at heart and disappointed towards my past, I can't let myself be controlled by my past and move on even if I don't want to, I have to.

"Now go wash up, I drew a bath for you" Christophe spoke and drew me out of my thoughts and directed me to the bathroom.

"I laid your night gown here so don't forget", Christophe said as he pointed at the little counter next to the sink.

"I'll take my leave now, if young master need me I will be in the hall." Christophe says as he bows and takes his leave.

After the refreshing bath, I landed on my bed and got excited again as I though of how to renovate me garden.

First, I need to pull out all the weeds and trim the grass on the ground and on the fountain plus the bench.

Then, dug up the old bushes somehow and replace then with the hydrangeas.

Also want to make a little vegetable garden behind this flower garden. What's best is fresh vegetables in a hot meal!

The more excited I became, it was harder to sleep. It wasn't until I suddenly felt sleepy that I knocked out.

"Hmph.. so lively in the night little one.....No wonder you are so much like her still.. *sigh*..." , A mysterious figure with a soft voice, gentle as the calm waters suddenly came out of the darkness and traces of misty iridescent particles can be seen as a spell was placed on Noah for him to sleep.

"Little one, you must hurry and find yourself. I can only do so much for you, but it is still not enough. Time can only tell when disaster would come to you.... you must hurry..." The mysterious figure came and went like the breeze in the night.

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