○Chapter 10○ Meaningless Thoughts

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         As time pasted, the completion of the garden and fountain has soon shown its effects. The hydrangeas bloomed with hues of blue and purple that gave a calming yet enchanting charm to the fountain that showered crystal clear water.

        I walked on the stone paved road that lead to the fountain. 'What a beauty', satisfied as I was, I stood in front of the fountain that held a stone lady with a jug as water was spewing out of. The fountain stood tall with a pure innocent white with a dash of gray due to age.

        As I stood, I felt the wind suddenly blow and swept some leaves past my hair onto the water. The breeze of spring was nice and caused the bushes of Hydrangeas to sway with the wind.

        I took a sit on the stone rim of the fountain and turned to look at the water. I slowly held my hand down onto the surface of the water and started picking the leaves out of the fountain's clear blue waters.

       'There you go, good as new..' I thought as the last leaf was taken out.

        What was left of my reflection, I could only stare as the ripples of the water ceased. 'No, this was not my reflection', I thought as I began to think about why would I would be here, in this world. What was my purpose, I stole someone's identify and now have to live in their place. What fairness is that, the sudden emotion of guilt yet anger was too much for me to bare with others around.

         As the summer is closing in, I now have been in this world for 5 months yet have nothing to lose nor win. If there was a god, please explain to me why I have to be here or even worse, why am I still alive.

        'What lame excuse would I get?', I thought and sighed as I brushed my fingertips against my reflection to make it disappear and disperse. The cold water clung to my fingers as I picked up my fingers and turned away from the water.

         I slowly closed my eyes and needed release of these overwhelming feelings. With the sound of the bushes shake and the birds chirping with no care in the world. I took a deep breathe and sighed as i composed myself.


         Startled, I quickly opened my eyes towards the direction of the sound of a crushed leaves.

         Their stood victor as our eyes met, he seemed startled as he got caught. He started making his way to my direction at the fountain.

         "You seem to be distressed about something.." He said in a low calm voice but enough for me to hear. "Something wrong?" He stood in front of me and kneeled down.

          The sight of Victor calmed me down a bit, somehow Victor had grown a bit taller than me by an inch or two, and his hair is also more grown past his shoulders within 3 months. His red eyes are still so pretty as I lowered my head to look at him.

          "Not much.." I said as I let out a helpless smile. "I just feel tired than usual that's all." As I closed my eyes again, just to feel a hand on my head.

          Surprised, I opened my eyes to see Victor rubbing my head with a slight smile on his face. "It's of if you don't want to talk about it, I wont force you. I heard just being by someone's side helps even if no words are needed."

         I couldn't help to say that he was correct, I let out a small chuckle as he messed my hair up bad. "That's not how you pat someone's head ok?, its like this.." I said as I took his hand off my head and fixed my fur ball hair, and redirected his hand on my head again with both of my hands and rubbed it lightly on my head. "Like this ok, don't mess up next time."

       "So there's a next time, I'll look forward to it." Victor said as he kept patting my hair with a bigger smile.

       'Look forward to it? What does that mean?' I thought as i suddenly felt some heat release on my cheeks as i let go of his hand that is on my head. The sudden interaction was quite sweet and harmonious as the leaves still keep blowing with the wind.

       The disappearance of the pressure on my head was replaced by the air, confused I focused my glaze on Victor as he stood put with a leaf in hand.

       "Seems like the leaves love your hair as such as I do." He said as he he let go of the leaf into te air. "Let's think of that leaf as your troubles right now, let it leave your mind as I take it away" He looked done at me as i stared back.

       As magic, I truly did feel better. What a method he used really did work on me. I couldn't help much laugh. I can't believe he could have done something like that to help me, I felt some weight off my chest as the pressures of before was now filled with calm waves of the sea.

       "I made you smile finally" Victor also let out a small laugh and extended his hand out, "let's head back, its getting late".

        My eyes focused on the scene before me, a bit mesmerized, I took hold of that hand that held me up to my feet. "Ok.." I said as I let go of his hand "And thank you for helping me" I said as I walked away first as victor started to catch up.

              *Author here- I just got out of school so I'll try to get the story out the best I can. sorry for the wait (T-T)/ *

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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