Chapter 1:'When Life Takes A Turn'

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Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Alexandra Esmeralda Snape, daughter of Severus Snape. Before I tell you my story, there are a few things you should know about me. I live with my father in Puddlemere, England. When I was two, my mother left me and my father and it's just been the two of us ever since. 

I'm not complaining though. Even if my mother possessed great beauty, she was also a vile and cruel woman who never cared about anything but herself. My father, Severus Snape was never truly in love with her. He had only let my mother stay because he wanted me to have at least one maternal figure in my life. After she left though, things weren't as bad as it might sound. 

When I was old enough to learn how to read and write, my father hired a teacher to homeschool me. I learned how to read and write and learned the many curious things about the wizarding world. My father could not always teach me himself because he was at his job as a Potions Master at Hogwarts most of the time. However, he always came back home to visit me often. 

My father and I were pretty tight. He was a strict yet protective and caring father. He never openly displayed affection, but he still showed that he cared by more practical and indirect means. He told me all about his own father being a bad role model. He told me he wanted to be the opposite of what his terrible father was. As for my own personality, I've never easily made friends. I'm very blunt with people at first. But once you get to know me, I can be quite open. Now that I've told you all you need to know, let's get on with the story, shall we? 

I opened my eyes as I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door. I immediately jumped out of bed. I knew very well that at that time I was the only one in the house. Father was at his job at Hogwarts, so who could it be? Unless..."Alexandra, open the door. It's me, your father." I smiled as I heard my father's voice. "Coming father!" I shouted in reply. I walked over to the door and opened it. "Father, you're home! Although this sudden visit is a bit unexpected. You told me in your letter that you won't be coming home by next week!" I exclaimed, a little confused.

"Yes, I expected that I would come next week too as I was supposed to have a busy week at Hogwarts. I'll have to go back tomorrow morning," he replied with a small but friendly smile. "I want you to freshen up and join me for breakfast downstairs."

"Alright. I'll be there in a few," I said as I walked out of my room and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Once I was done, I went back to my room and opened the wardrobe which was next to the window. I picked out a green dress robe and changed into it. After I finished changing, I headed over to a small table in the corner of my room. The table had a hairbrush, some hair ties, clips, and a mirror the size of a book which was placed like a photo frame on the table. I grabbed the hairbrush and I started to brush my long mane of dark brown hair. 

As soon as I finished, I headed downstairs to find my father sitting in a chair in the living room. "I thought you were making breakfast?" I asked as I sat on a chair in front of him. 

"I'm sure you know how much of a terrible cook I am. As much as I want to, it is very likely that I will burn down the kitchen," he answered with a playful air to his voice. I chuckled in response. 

"Don't worry. I'll take care of the food. Can you just take the plates and utensils from the cupboard and lay them down on the table? I'm sure you can do that without burning down the kitchen," I jokingly told him.

 "Now that, I can do." Father got up from his chair and started taking out the plates from the cupboard. Yes I know, many of you may know my father as a sarcastic, bitter, and cold man. But to me, he has always been kind and caring. Although he is a bit strict at times, a good kind of strict. 

Anyways, I headed to the kitchen and I prepared breakfast. A little while later, my father and I were sitting in the living room enjoying our food and having some conversation. 

"And that is how you make Felix Felicis," my father said with a dramatic air as he finished telling me how to make liquid luck. By that time we had already finished eating and we were just having a nice chat. 

"Wow! That's amazing. But the potion does seem complicated. Will you ever teach me how to make it?" I asked curiously.

"The potion is very advanced so I'll teach you when you're older. You may be very skilled at Potions even now but you need to be even better."

"I see."

There was a pause before father opened his mouth to talk again. "Alexandra?" he called out to me, his voice sounding as serious as ever.  "Yes, father?" I asked.

"I know that you have been homeschooled by a homeschool teacher most of your life. I also know that you must be very lonely while I'm gone to Hogwarts."

" does get lonely when you're not around, I'll admit. You know you're my only friend." I replied, curious to know more.

"Well, I've been thinking about sending you to Hogwarts. What do you think?" I felt my jaw drop.

"You're not joking, are you? I thought you had to be eleven years old to starts Hogwarts! And I'm turning 13 this December!" I said while looking at him with wide eyes.

"I know, which is why I'll be asking Dumbledore to make some special arrangements for you. I'll ask him to put you in the third year," he said, giving me a sincere smile. 

"Thank you, father," I said as I reached for his hand and gave it a light squeeze as I gave him a grateful smile. "Don't thank me yet, nothing has been confirmed. When I go back to Hogwarts tomorrow morning, I'll tell Dumbledore about you, alright?" He said lightly squeezing my hand back. I nodded to him.

When I woke up the next morning, my father had already gone to Hogwarts. As usual, I got up from bed, dressed up, and had breakfast. Later in the morning, someone rang the doorbell. It was my teacher. I knew her as Miss Meredith. I opened the door for her. I had lessons with her for a few hours or so. 

By the end of the day, I was pleasantly drowsy as I headed for bed. I was about to lie down, but suddenly, I heard someone knocking on the window. I got up immediately and pushed open the curtains of the window. As I did so, I noticed that an owl was pecking on the window from the outside. I examined the owl as I saw a letter tied to the owl's leg. 

I opened the window, letting the owl in. The owl sat on the small dressing table I had in the corner of my room and held out the leg that had a letter tied to it. I went up to the owl and untied the letter from the owl's leg. Even when I did so, the owl still did not fly away. ' I've got the letter, you can go now,' I told the owl. The owl hooted at me while glaring at me with its large beady eyes. 'Are you hungry?' I asked. The owl lightly nodded in reply. 'Ah, I see. Let me get something for you.' I said. I headed downstairs and grabbed a small bowl from the kitchen cupboard.

 I tried to remember what owls eat. And it hit me that owls are carnivores. I got some raw chicken and headed back to my room and fed it to the owl. Once it finished eating, it flew out the window. I closed the window behind the owl. I finally got the chance to read the letter I had gotten. I was hoping it to be my father. I grabbed my letter, hurriedly opened it and started reading it. It read:

Alexandra, I have talked to Dumbledore about admitting you to Hogwarts and he has agreed to let you join the school.' I let out a yelp of excitement as I read on. 'I won't be home until next week because I have to check the exam scripts of my students and hand them in. But once I come back I'll help you prepare. I'll buy you a new wand as your current wand is used and very faulty. Write to me soon.

 From, your father.

I got on the bed and jumped up and down in excitement. Normally, I am a very calm and reserved person but I simply couldn't hold in my excitement at that moment. I remember feeling tired after jumping on the bed and immediately going to bed with a huge grin on my face. My life had taken a turn.

Note: Besides a few, I do not own most of the characters. All credit goes to the rightful owners. 

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