'A Trip To Diagon Alley'

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It was just a few days later. Father had come back home for the summer. He and I were just having lunch in the living room. 'Alexandra?' Father called out to me. 'Yes?' I said in reply.'

'You do know the compulsory subjects for Hogwarts students, right?' He asked me.

'Yes, Father. Just to make sure, aren't they Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, and Herbology?' 

'Yes, you are correct. However, it is a rule for Hogwarts students who will be starting their third year to choose at least two elective subjects. Which is why a bought a list of subjects for you. Choose your desired subjects and I'll manage the rest,' he said as he brought out a list and handed it to me. I read through the list, taking everything in.

'Elective Subjects For Third Year Hogwarts Students:

1) Alchemy

2) Arithmancy

3) Muggle Studies

4) Care of Magical Creatures

5) Divination

6) Study of Ancient Runes'

'You must choose at least two subjects depending on what career you would like to be in the future. Play to your strengths,' my father told me with a glint of eagerness in his eyes, making it visible that he was eager to know.

'Yes, I have already thought about which subjects to take.' I replied with a smile.

' You have? Very good.'

I looked at the list and decided to sign up for Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. After doing so, I handed the list back to my father. He held the list in front of him, looking at the subjects I have signed up for. 'Hmmm...Care of Magical Creatures... I see why you've taken that subject. You've always been an animal lover. And...Divination? Are you sure you want to take that?' He looked over at me with a worried yet confused look. 

' Father, I need you to trust me to make my own decisions,' I looked at him with pleading eyes. 

' I know but...Divination is a very imprecise branch of magic. I don't think you should-'


'Alright, alright! You're right, I should trust you,' his words were followed by a sigh,' Well, now that we're over with this, I should send an owl to school informing them about which elective subjects you'll be taking.'  he said as he went upstairs to get his owl.

A few months later, I was just reading a book in my room while lying in bed, when I heard a knock on the door. ' Come in,' I said lazily.

'Alexandra, your Hogwarts letter just came,' he said with a smile as held out his letter for me to take. 'Yes! This is exactly what I've been waiting for!' I exclaimed.

' I know, Alexandra,' he said, smiling at me,'Open it!' he said as he sat down next to me on the bed and put an arm around me. I quickly opened the letter and read out loud: 

'Dear Ms. Snape,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.'

I finished reading as I excitedly opened the second piece of parchment. ' These are the books needed for class. We can buy your books and supplies from Diagon Alley,' my father told me. I had been to Diagon Alley with my father many times. Most of the time, I went with him because he needed to buy potion supplies. He even brought me a broom once when I asked him to. Since then, I've practised flying on a broom around our neighbourhood. That's probably what got me into Quidditch. I've always been interested in being a Chaser. Anyways, I started reading the list of books and supplies. 'Father, when are we going to Diagon Alley?' I asked him.

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