28. Three days

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Annika sobbed the moment Hallie walked through the door. Despite the sharp pain in her chest, she knelt down on one knee and braced herself for the moment Hallie crashed into her. She wrapped her arms around her, holding her close. It had been the longest they had ever been apart. Every moment of it had been hell.

"I've missed you so much, bug."

Hallie snuggled closer. "Missed you, mama. Aunty Skye said I couldn't speak to you because you were busy, but I spoke to aunty Cai a lot." She continued to rattle off a recount of the past three weeks, even down to the finer details of which games she played with which cousin. When her gaze landed on Caia, she squealed. "Aunty Cai!"

It was an effort for Annika not to hold Hallie close and keep her to herself. Had it been anyone else, she wouldn't have let her go. But somehow, sharing Hallie with Caia didn't make Annika feel jealous or protective. She wanted them to reunite, just as much as she wanted Hallie to herself.

Pure joy filled Caia's eyes. She lifted Hallie up in her arms and held her close. "I missed you so much."

Annika stood and smiled at Skye. "It's good to see you."

Skye rushed to her, before hesitating. Gently, she wrapped her arms around Annika. "You scared the shit out of me."

"I know. Thank you for everything you've done. I don't know how I can ever repay you."

Skye shrugged. "It's fine. But you know, perfume and jewellery are always a winner. Or are you going to be poor soon? A shootout isn't generally good for business."

"Not my business anymore," Annika said, smirking. "Michael wanted to take over the club so I manipulated him into thinking it was his idea for me to sell it to him. I had the place evaluated and got him to pay full price."

"Oh you clever, sneaky thing. Well done. Any sign of where that bastard is? I'll hunt him down myself if the police don't find him."

Darkness followed Annika like a cloud looming overhead. She had no idea where Michael had gone, and felt immensely helpless because of it. For all she knew, he was across the street. In the house next door. He could be on another continent, or right beside her. And no matter where he was, the fear was the same. At any moment, he could force his way back into her life. Into her home. Whatever the distance, whether near or far, his control on her was the same.

And he likely knew it. Either he had no idea she had been faking it the entire time, or he knew the truth. That she had moved on. That she was in love with someone else. She was no longer his object to hold and manipulate. She was no longer his trophy.

"I have no idea," she said.

Skye frowned. "You okay?"

Annika watched Caia and Hallie. They were still glued to one another while Hallie gave an animated recount of a day they had spent at the beach while they had been away. She had been body boarding in the white water, and had loved every minute of it. Annika had made sure to send them somewhere close to the beach. She didn't want them sitting inside day after day while waiting to hear from her.


Her eyes cleared. "Sorry. What?"

"I asked if you were okay."

There was nothing about Annika that was okay. She couldn't shake the feeling within her that everything she had right now was temporary and would one day be taken from her. She couldn't shift the fear. Nor could she clear her mind of the memories of the past month. Of every night, and almost every morning she had spent with Michael. Of him on top of her. How had she ever enjoyed him? How had she not noticed how selfish and narcissistic he was?

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