31. Healing

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Despite sleeping for ten hours, Annika was exhausted. She was grateful for Caia's help in waking early and helping Hallie with her breakfast. She hadn't even stirred. They day before had exhausted her but invigorated her at the same time. Her chest and ribs ached, yet she had not felt so satisfied in a long time. Taking control and dominating Caia had renewed her confidence. It had guided her back to her true self, washing away the self-doubt and insecurities Michael had piled upon her.

It was Caia she needed to help her heal. Her idea had been perfect.

She watched Caia play with Hallie in the pool as she reclined beside Skye, who had visited for lunch.

"How are you doing?" Skye asked. "You look so much better than you have in weeks."

Annika tore her gaze from Caia and smiled. "It's all thanks to her."

"What does that mean?"

"Well..." Annika frowned. She had always been very open with Skye, and vice versa. They had shared everything with one another growing up. "Let's just say she's helping me regain my confidence and sense of control."

"Right, so it's a sex thing."

"It's more than that. It's about so much more than just sex. It's her giving up full control to me, even outside the bedroom. It's about me being responsible for her. Empowering me to take charge..." Annika shrugged.

"Well, whatever it is, I'd say it's working."

Conversation veered away from Annika and Caia's relationship, onto more generic topics. Annika was happy to listen to Skye talk about her kids and what was happening at home.

"Kate was really worried when she found out you'd been in hospital," Skye said. "Then got all bitchy at me for not telling her straight away. And bitchy at you for not telling her at all."

"What did you tell her?"

"Most of the truth. That there was a raid on the club and you got hit by a stray bullet. Emily knows as well. Mum and dad told her. I told them both to give you some space for a while."

"Thank you."

Annika's attention wavered when Caia stepped back onto the patio from outside with a full bottle of water. Water she had not given her permission to drink.

"Would you mind watching Hallie for a moment?" Annika asked.

Skye followed her line of sight to Caia and smirked. "Sure. Go do whatever you need to do."

It wasn't until Annika was right in front of Caia that she realised her mistake. Caia looked at her water bottle and froze. She looked back up at Annika with an adorably guilty, doe-eyed expression.

"Where'd you get that?"

"From the fridge."


"Um..." Caia blinked, searching her mind for the right answer. "I was thirsty, and I forgot the rules."

Annika placed a finger beneath Caia's chin, and lifted her head. "Next time, you ask me first." She offered a sweet smile, and said, "You know you need to be punished for this, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am," Caia whispered.

"Upstairs. Now."

Annika walked ahead, hiding her amused grin in response to Caia's submissiveness. It didn't take long to formulate a plan for the punishment. One she thought was rather clever, if not a little mean. When they reached the ensuite, Caia's eyes darted around the room in panic, wondering what was in store for her.

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