Meeting the Villain

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Ariana's pov

I explored around Alpheus's mansion alone, avoiding the eyes of other people.

My goal was to catch the glimpse of Anastasius since I already learn that he is under the same roof like mine.

It may be a little dangerous because I still can't use magic caused by the black magic chains resisting me. But there will be no harm in spying a little.

And today is the only day, I have the opportunity to wander around by myself. Because Jennette was sick and Ijekiel went to the palace with the Duke.

Unconsciously, I became lost in my thought while walking. It was then.

"What are you doing? Wandering alone like this?"

A low voice of a man rang behind my back, making me froze on my spot. An ominous chill ran down my spine as my mind became blank.

I can't use any magic at the moment. So, if I turned back, my jewelled eyes would be exposed. Should I just hit him in the head and run away quickly without looking back?

No, this is too risky. And there are many loopholes. Who would've thought my first meeting with the villain would be like this?

"Won't you greet your uncle?"

The same voice entered my ears with a playful tone, exciting to see how my reaction will be.

He didn't seem to have the intention to hide his identity from the start. If so, he should've just appeared on the debut two years ago. Then, there will be no need for things to be this complicated.

I slowly turned around my stiff body to look back at the person behind me.

There was a black-haired man, looking at me with a face, 99% similar to Claude. But his expression and aura were so different that I can easily differentiate between the two.

"My niece doesn't seem to be happy to see me at all."

Anastasius said in a sad tone with a gloomy face like he was hurt. But in his jewelled blue eyes, there was no hint of sadness.

Happy? Bullshit! I don't think there would be any living person that becomes happy after seeing him. Maybe Penelope in the underground will happily welcome him.

"That isn't true. I am so happy to the point that I was speechless."

I returned the favour, I received from him. He started first so I won't lose.

"But uncle, I thought for sure you were dead since you didn't show your face at all."

"It seems I made my niece worried about me too much. I was just simply resting."

"I wasn't worried even a slight bit. So, you should continue your rest until the end. (of your life)"

"I didn't know my niece can joke so well."

"Thank you for the compliment. But I am sincere, Uncle."

A person who is passing by would think we are having a family talk if only they didn't listen to the words. Because unlike our smiling expressions and polite, warm speeches, the atmosphere around us quickly dropped as the conversations went by.

"But Uncle, I didn't know that you have a hobby of dying your hair."

My gaze shifted toward his jet black hair before turning back to him.

He ran his fingers through his hair to flip back the bangs, covering his jewelled eyes and answered back with an arrogant and confident tone.

"I'm certain that I'd suit with any colour."

Somehow, I couldn't answer back immediately at his words. I don't want to admit it. I won't admit it. Hmm!

"That was a refreshing joke. I can feel my inside turning upside down like wanting to throw up. Haha..."

Anastasius wrinkles his bows with an irk mark visible on his forehead.

"I know you were sick. You should go rest for your health. It will be bad if you were in a coma again."

I stumbled for a little because of his words but quickly balanced myself back.

How did he know I'm not well? And I was in a coma for a while?

As if reading my thoughts, Anastasius replied with more shocking words.

"You couldn't even open your eyes when I came to meet you before. You won't be unable to tolerate the upcoming events if you haven't recovered yet."

My hair stands on its end as cold sweats ran down my back. My body stiffens and no words came out of my lips to answer him back.

He came to meet me when I was unconscious! But then, why did he did nothing to harm me? It won't be hard for him to kill a sleeping person but he didn't. Why? More than that...

"Upcoming events? What do you mean by that, Uncle?"

He shrugged off his shoulders with looking into my eyes.

"Is there a reason I should tell?"

His jewelled eyes shone dangerously with a tint of redness in them as another word followed.

"If you want to know that badly, you will have to pay a price."

A voice that was completely different from before came out from him as he took a step forward. His hand slowly stretched out toward me and I felt like I have to run away.

"With your life, perhaps."

I immediately took a step back before slapping his hand away from me.

Flickering lighting came out from where our hands touched for a moment as his expression became painful for a second.

"I shouldn't hold onto a sick person. I should get going."

There was no redness in his jewelled eyes anymore when he retreated his hand.

"I'll formally greet my niece next time. Then, till we met at the palace."

I stared at the back of the man who seems like running away, thinking about the words he just said.

I wasn't able to put my guard down until he completely went out of my sight. I held onto the near wall to support my weakened legs that just gave up after the tension was over.

That was dangerous. I'm sure he was about to do something a while ago.

I'm glad that it seems he hasn't recovered completely as well. I forgot that he previously used two black magic spells at the same time.

But what is this ominous feeling that I had been getting since a while ago?

I should return to the Palace quickly with any delay.

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