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*Cody Walker's POV

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*Cody Walker's POV

Let me tell you one thing: I can't remember the last time I have had such a peaceful time at school. It had been nearly two weeks since B, J & K had bothered me the last time, and part of me wanted to believe they had actually learned something about the beat up. Part of me wanted to believe they would keep this new era going, but I knew not to keep my hopes too high.

Have you heard the saying 'a pessimist will not get disappointed'? Well, I don't think that's exactly true. No matter how low you keep your expectations, it's probably still going to hurt when the shit goes down.

My face was pretty much healed, which was like the best thing that had happened to me in a while. Or well, it was such a fortunate thing to get to look in the mirror and see that I no longer looked like a heavily defeated boxer. It was also such a great thing to be able to move without aching.

What wasn't such a fortunate thing though, was that B, J & K seemed to have unlearned an important lesson as soon as my face didn't constantly remind them about it. At least they didn't resort to violence this time, so the only bruises I got were on my ego.

Have I told you that I don't like girls? Maybe you have heard about that from someone else already, since that was all everyone used to talk about in my old school. I think I was probably the only openly gay guy in secondary school, or at least that was how I was made to feel.

I have never kissed anyone. I have never even held hands with anyone, since who could possibly want to touch me? Apart from shoving, kicking and punching, of course. I'm probably going to be single and virgin until I turn 45. Who am I kidding, I'll probably be single and virgin until the day I die. I thought the same would go with kissing as well, but..

..wouldn't that have been such a waste of a good opportunity to humiliate me?

I had just hurried to the locker room after the day's last class, which happened to be history, one of my favorite school subjects. I was in a relatively good mood, as I knew it was just one run and then it would be the weekend.

My family was coming over for the first time and I was quite excited about that too. Although we weren't close nowadays, I still missed them.

"Cody Walker?" And here we have the guy that would ruin my good mood and my first kiss. When I turned around to look at the owner of the voice, I found out it belonged to a tall green eyed guy. He had high cheekbones and comely features, so at least I got my first kiss from a looker.

"Yeah?" I was puzzled, because I had never seen the guy before and anyone that good-looking was unlikely to have anything to do with me.

Then he pressed me against one of the lockers and forced his lips against mine. Not very gently and certainly not out of affection. He started kissing me and I pressed my lips in a tight line.

One could think being kissed by a handsome guy like him would have been a dream come true for a guy like me, but it was quite the opposite.

My attempt to keep his lips out of my mouth worked pretty well, until he made his next move. By then I was also trying to push him away, but apparently I was being kissed by a strongman. It seemed like my attempts to push him away were merely a small distraction.

Then he grabbed my butt - yes, unfortunately you heard right - with both of his hands and as I yelped, he seized the opportunity and stuffed his tongue in my throat. I swear after that day I was going to puke every time I saw someone using his tongue in a kiss.. Then he finally pulled out of the one-sided kiss.

"You liked that, didn't you, fag?" The guy whispered in my ear. Then he took a step back and he was smirking widely.

"Good thing I was paid for it. No one, absolutely no one, will ever want to touch you for free." He sneered and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Then he walked away, leaving me alone in the locker room.

I stared at the closed door for a moment, turned around, grabbed my water bottle and walked to the running track. On the track I listened to the running coach - I don't know if I remembered to mention his name is Peter Abbott - talking about the benefits of easy runs for our cardio-vascular and muscular-structural development.

This time Oat wasn't there and neither was Ian, who had gotten into an infuriating habit of appearing at all our practices.

Like every Friday and Tuesday, today we had an easy run. So I tightened my shoelaces one more time and started jogging.

I wondered if B, J & K paid the kiss from their own wallets or from the money they stole from me. I wondered what they would take from me next, since I wasn't sure if I had anything left to give.

They have taken away my friends, they have beaten me up, they have stolen my money and my cell phone, they took my first kiss and they've taken away my dignity just as much as they've wrecked my self-esteem. What next? My life?

"Dammit!" I cursed and kicked a bin that just happened to be on the way.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" It is possible I kicked the poor bin a couple more times.

Only then I realised someone was staring at me.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" I exclaimed and glared back at the familiar brown eyes. I could feel tears swelling on my eyes and I was really, really close to falling on my knees and throwing a tantrum, so I turned away swiftly.

Then I continued running, cursing the very existence of Ian Romero and the consequences of his actions. I cursed the last five years and every way B, J & K had made my life living hell.

It was just a kiss and an inappropriate touch, so I didn't know why it felt like such a big deal. Maybe it was because the guy had been right: no one would ever want to touch me for free. At that moment more than ever I felt defective and negligible.

I felt like I was only a piece of trash, something they would have fun with until there was nothing left to break and then they would just throw me away.

Somewhere in the middle they had seemed to forget I was a person too and that just like them I was someone's son and someone's brother. I, just like them, had dreams and hopes.

I wasn't just 'Cody Runner', the boy to beat up and make fun of.


Second post today.. 🤭 What do you think about this story so far? A comment or a star would make me the happiest person in the world. 🤍

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