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*Cody Walker's POV

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*Cody Walker's POV

Should I make a summary about the past three weeks? Want it or not, here it comes.

I may have given you a wrong impression about our practices, since we certainly don't have just easy runs there. Instead we have Fartlek workouts, races and long runs every week. My favorites were the long runs, because I could just put on some music and think about my somewhat miserable life.

For me running, whether it was racing or jogging, was what got me through the days. I needed a way to cope and running seemed to help the most. Just in case you haven't noticed it yet, I'm not good at talking or expressing my feelings. Instead I bottle them up, until I cannot anymore. Then I explode.

Other than bottled up emotions and daily running practices, I had somehow become really good friends with Oat. For some reason they seemed to like my company and they couldn't have cared less about what people thought about that.

Although Oat could easily open up to me, I still couldn't do the same. I was so used to keeping it all in, that I couldn't get a word out when I needed to. Luckily they didn't seem to mind. Somehow I had made a friend after all.

I guess I could say my life was pretty good, if you could ignore what happened when Oat wasn't around. People still seemed to find the kissing occurence amusing, so I had to hear smooch sounds wherever I went, but at least no one had tried to kiss me again. Then there was a shove every now and then, but basically there was nothing new.

Maybe they were losing their touch? It was already starting to get a bit repetitive, one could even say it was getting boring. I mean, if they wanted to keep making my life a living hell, they would have to be a bit more creative. Phew.

Then there was Ian. He was everywhere. All the time. He even stared at me constantly and once he tried to help me up from the floor after I stumbled down. I honestly had no idea what Ian wanted from me. If he wanted to be my friend, he was failing miserably, because seeing him all the time just made me more irritated.

What I wanted was simple. I wanted to be left alone. I wanted Ian to kindly fuck off, just like I wanted B, J & K to forget my existence. But we can't always get what we want, right?


I hate Mondays, but doesn't everybody? That Monday, though, was a lot worse than usual Mondays.

Ever since I woke up, I simply felt like shit. For no particular reason, I woke up and immediately knew it was going to be a bad day.

One thing is sure when you bottle up your emotions: if you never get it out of your system, it's going to start showing at some point. I'm not sure why I was reaching my emotional capacity now, but I think it probably had something to do with starting university and still ending up in the same class with my worst bullies.

That Monday morning I had a terrible headache, which was nothing new. When my mind gets overwhelmed, I start having headaches.

So, when the alarm rang, I was feeling like shit, I knew it was going to be a bad day and I felt like someone was pounding my head with a hammer.

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