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The first time you killed someone, you were traumatized. You were ten years old, it was one of your foster siblings. It haunted your every thought.

You had put on an act when you told the foster family. It was just a lady with her husband, they had seven foster children, including you.

We were cooking dinner for the family, he and you were the youngest siblings. The children took turns cooking for everyone.

Let's not go into detail, but let's just say you got a little carried away while chopping the carrots. He was making you angry, you reacted. You reacted poorly.

You have never been good at controlling your actions. Your emotions kind of run a muck.

You made it look like an accident when you informed them, "he slipped" you'd  said. You even brought in fake tears and hiccups of sorrow.

You still regret that day. Your anger towards a nine year old boy. He was young. But your lives sucked greatly so maybe you did him a favor.

The second time you killed someone, You felt the complete opposite. Thrill. The exhilaration of a psychopath.

Killing someone who has done you harm feels good.

It was a stranger. You were walking the streets. It happened right before Janet adopted you. He tried to take you. You fought back obviously. He had grabbed your wrists and tried to drag you in his normal blue Sudan.

He looked like a kind person at first glance. But the second his fist came in contact with your throat, knocking your breath away, you didn't hesitate to wrap your small hands around his neck and choke him to death. He couldn't reach you from your position on his back.

You fled the scene, and later found he was a school teacher, still a missing person. You guess nobody found his body in that alley 5 years ago.

The third and fourth time it happened, you were numb. No reaction. Just strangers doing dirty to the world that had no place on this earth other than tormenting it.

You've only killed six people, including the person from last week at the museum. You never wish for there to be more, and you never intentionally killed them besides the first two times.

But you had a feeling many more people would be added to that list in the forceable future.

You walked into Antonio's restaurant. He looked saddened. But still smiled as you entered the small café.

"Ciao." You said while walking in. You almost forgot that he probably didn't recognize you.

"Ciao miss." He smiled lightly.

"The usua- uhm, a number four please." You stopped your self from your usual wording. You couldn't help but fell remorse at his saddened posture. He just began to prepare the sandwich.

"8.45." He said while placing the sandwich and a small drink on the table. You forgot you wouldn't get the discount. You smiled toothless and handed him a ten. He gave me the respected change and you took the sandwich gratefully before exiting with a small wave.

You decided to eat as you walked down the sidewalk, searching for a small shop you had in my mind. You walked into a little cottage shop, filled with homemade soaps and many things to decorate bathrooms and bedrooms.

"Hello." You smiled while throwing my trash into the bin. The lady at the desk gave me a big grin.

"What can I help you with hun?" She had a slight southern accent, obviously from out of state.

"Well, I saw your sign in. The window, it says your hiring and I- I wanted to talk to you about that." You said while walking towards the counter, not really knowing how to word your thoughts.

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