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Wanda was startled awake as her phone rang in her pocket. She must have fallen asleep while comforting Elvira.

She quickly shot up and answered her phone, not wanted to cause any disturbances. Noticing it was only an hour or so later.

"Hello?" She said a little groggily.

"Wanda, Wanda!" A very distressed Natasha answered quickly.

"Oh, Nat, what's wrong?" Wanda asked calmly while sitting up a little straighter and raising her eyebrows.

"Elvira is gone, she isn't in her room and we can't find her anywhere- I- I don't know what to do." Natasha panicked, her voice was cracking lightly.

"Hey, calm down. She's with me." She heard a quick intake of air leave Natasha throat, and they both stood silent.

"What?" Natasha said firmly though the phone.

"I went in after you did, she was on the verge of a panic attack so I took her to her old room, she uh- got lost in a memory, she's been out of it ever since." Wanda explained. She heard a aspirated sigh emit from Natasha's side of the phone.

"Okay. Thank you Wanda." She said quietly while hanging up. Wanda confusedly shoved her phone back into the pocket of her red jacket, standing from the bed quickly and walking into the hall.

She peered down to see if Natasha was in her way, which she no doubtingly knew she would be.


"Stop it, Jeremy!" Elvira laughs loudly as her brother tickles her profusely, they both laugh with joy as they flip back into his bed.

"Alright, alright. I'm done." He chuckled while giving her a soft noogie, she smiled while pushing his hand away.

He slowly stands up and walks over to the desk in his tidy room. "You finished your homework right?" He questions while turning off the computer they both share.

"Yup." She pops her lips on the p, laying backwards in the bed while flicking the ear of her stuffed lion.

"Good, maybe dad will let us play Minecraft in the tv later." Jeremy smiled while sitting backwards on the desk chair, adjusting his backwards baseball cap as he blew a bubble with his gum.

"I'm still mad at you for killing my dog." Elvira grumbled while flipping upright and setting her plush on the top bunk of the bed.

"You burnt down my village first." He stuck out his tongue while opening his old iPhone and texting away to a friend no doubtingly.

Elvira's mind fluttered slightly. Her current self was regaining some control as she stared around the room on her own now. Her seventeen year old self staring down at her twelve year old self. An out-of-body experience. She was reliving the past.

How the time has changed. She remembers this period of her life vividly. She used to be close with Jeremy. She's remembering something at least, maybe not something crucial but that doesn't quite matter. It was something.

When Elvira first was adopted by the Petersons, they were beyond amazing. She shared a room with her older brother, and that wasn't so bad.

They cared for her, treated her as their own. Fed her, bought her new clothes, took her to the park.

This was a time before Jeremy dropped out of school, I time before his resentment grew for Elvira. The envy and rage wasn't quite there yet.

The adoption agency used to check in monthly, making sure everything was running smoothly, it wasn't until about the six month mark when check ins stopped regularly and more tension was built in the house.

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