Dino bird's change of heart

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As the other mammals started gathering all the crystals left of the asteroid. Buck looked up at the sky and saw that the shining purple meteor was not too far.

Buck: Good news, everyone! We're six minutes ahead of schedule. Somebody up there likes us.

But instead an even more explosion caused them to yelp. The meteor was really close and shining brightly.

Buck: Bad news! Somebody up there doesn't like us. We're six minutes behind schedule!

Manny: Double time, everyone. We need that big crystal.

Everyone agreed. Manny went over to Julian who was struggling to pull the crystal up.

Julian: Oh. Hey, Bro-Dad!

Suddenly, they saw the dino birds. They got out of the way as Gertie smash though the rock passage and caused the crystal ball to fall. Silver looked as the dino birds fly above.

Diego: We got company!

Granny: Ooh. I'll put out the sponge cake.

Buck went over and grabbed his slingshot. He lifted it up to aim it at the dino birds.

Buck: Steady. Steady.

Suddenly, Roger slammed Buck onto a rock.

Roger: Sorry about this. I'm really conflicted right now.

Lily turned and saw that her weasel uncle was in trouble. She ran over to save him. Gavin and Gertie fly by next to Roger, still pinning Buck.

Gavin: That's more like it, Roger. Now finish him.

Buck: Wait! Wait, you don't understand. You see that? If that asteroid hits, we all die.

Gavin: "If it hits, we all die." That's where you're wrong. See, while you run for your mammal lives... we'll be high in the sky, cruising above it all.

Neil: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!

Gavin: We'll be as safe as those little birdies.

But instead, the meteors struck the birds.  Lily then came over and bit Gavin on the leg.  He tried out in pain as he felt the little girl's grip. Shocked, the dino birds turned and saw her.

Gertie: What is that thing?

Gavin: That's the weirdest little creature I have ever seen. But this little girl will be tasty to eat though. 

Lily protested that the asteroid will kill them. Roger was right all along.

Roger: I knew it. I was right. There's no paradise.

Gertie: What!? I'm too young to go extinct! WAAAAGH!!!!!

Gertie begins to panic as Lily scoffed.

Buck: She gets it! Now, please, we haven't got much time!

Gavin: What are you waiting for? Kill them!

Roger turned his back to him for a split second.

Roger: No, Dad. I won't let you. Do you want to know what I love about our family? That we're alive. There are more important things than your pride right now. If you care about us... you should not kill him. You should help him, Dad.

Gavin looked at Lily who whines as he tugged his foot. The dino bird doesn't know what to do.

Gertie: Pop, I hate to say this, but my freaky little brother may be right.

Buck: As a father, I would work with my worst enemy... to ensure a brighter future for my little one.

Knowing it was true, the dino bird lets go of Buck.

Roger: You surely are lucky to have a mother and a father to keep an eye on you.

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