Chapter - 17

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"Are you ready, Miss?" Falcon asked the following afternoon.

Ready? In an overly exaggerated way, Sure. Nadia had not slept a wink last night. She was mulling over what Minerva had told her. About her mother and her own past. When the sun had started filtering in her room, had she finally been able to snatch a few hours of sleep.

She looked sideways at Minerva whose back was visible as she cooked lunch. Her expressions had betrayed nothing. She had looked at everyone as she always had. With disinterest and annoyance.

That was good. Last thing Nadia wanted was to explain to Falcon what had happened.

The day was rolling faster when she had thoughts on her mind and she was not willing to tell anyone about what she had heard, not even Falcon . After all, it wasn't her right to decide who knew and who didn't.

So she replied smiling hoping her face didn't look tired. She didn't feel tired at all. If anything her body was hyper active and jittery. Maybe it was the coffee blend. Maybe it was her over thinking brain. "Yes. Totally ready"

Minerva's past was one thing. What she was about to do. What she was attempting to do was terrifying, it was downright insane. Her heartbeat was erratic and all kinds of punishments and tortures came to her mind.

What would happen if the Governor's men caught them? If the islands were connected the Governor would definitely place atleast a dozen armed men guarding it. Even if there was no gold down there, the Governor would never allow South Kua peasants to step foot on his East Ido soil.

How Falcon was planning on navigating through that, Nadia could not even begin to imagine. But there was no worry on his face. No concern. If anything he was brimming with anticipation. Unlike other days he was laughing , talking and over all loud. He asked Nadia about her school and her life before they had met. Something he hadn't yet asked. He was in a very jovial mood.

Nadia couldn't help but feel a little relaxed every time she saw him smiling. Glad that at the very least he felt better.

"How are we going to leave from the island?" Nadia asked meekly.

They weren't keeping her in the loop and while she wanted to believe everything was under control and in better hands she couldn't help but fret.

"The way we came. In our ship. Father Clay had been looking over the repairs."


"Yeah. The journey here wasn't exactly pleasant."

"Are you sure we can get back on a compromised ship?" She tried to push an image of their ship just breaking midway and in the ocean with no land in sight.

Falcon laughed. "Don't worry miss. I will be there with you. You are safe with me."

Nadia's heart thudded. She looked at him. He was wearing his usual smile. His hair looked like he had finally decided to make use of a comb and his clothes were looking in better state too.

Nadia had the sudden urge to touch his hair. Run her fingers through them. They were a beautiful shade of auburn and chestnut. A stark contrast to hers own raven black hair. She had a feeling that long hours in the sun had made his hair all shades of brown. Whatever his job was he was out in the sun a lot.

His face structure was graceful. Looked to be out of a book. Like his face was the inspiration for the number of sculptures. From his sharp jawline to his high cheekbones. From his long eyelashes to his golden amber eyes.

On the other hand, his body was all strength and rippling muscles. As much as she could tell. He was used to strenuous work or at least knew how to fight. She knew he was strong. It calmed and made her nervous at the same time. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why that was. Her logic and emotions were always at war when he was nearby. She had never felt this state of unrest before. Was it a good thing? She couldn't tell. The only thing she knew was she was incapable of not thinking about him.

She had to be in the same room as him and when she was she couldn't stop her eyes from following him. A feeling of her gut twisting and turning settled over. His kind smile towards her were the only times she felt calm. Felt like the early sun had just washed over her body and the cacophony in her head , which was ever present, went silent.

Falcon met her eyes and her attention snapped back to the present. What the hell was she doing? Ogling and analyzing someone. He would be so annoyed . But when she glanced back at him, he was smiling knowingly. Like he knew the effect he had on women.

Ofcourse he did.

"Have you packed everything you need?" Falcon inquired.

"Yes. The bag is there in my room." Well she had packed everything she owned which was essentially the same thing."We will come back to pick them right?"

Falcon nodded.

Nadia wondered how she would say goodbye to Minerva. It was hard to imagine never seeing her face ever. It wasn't exactly an unpleasant thought , given their history. It was just unusual. Waking up every morning and not seeing her face.

Nadia resisted the urge to look back at her.

Instead she looked at the big boxes of lunch Falcon was packing.

"I don't think we would need that much." Nadia gave a small smile.

"You never know how hungry we could be there or if ... something happened."

Like years old cave falling down on them and them getting stuck underground? She shrugged the dread away.

She looked down at the bag she was packing . Water bottles, rope, hook, huge flashlights, gloves. Why gloves? Falcon had insisted there should be one pair of gloves. He had also asked her to wear a jacket and wear boots. Which was good for her because she only owned boots. A short knife, lighter and a pair of batteries.

She was impressed by the level of caution Falcon employed. For some reason he didn't look the kind to care about that. But his level of foresight was admirable . Or maybe, he was too used to plundering old caves.

They ate their lunch in silence. Father Clay had not come home since morning. When she had asked Falcon he said Father Clay was tying up some things. The day of departure was near after all.

Nadia didn't have much of an appetite. But Falcon forced her to eat some food. Stamina was very much needed, he insisted.

Falcon stood up after they were done. He packed everything in two backpacks and handed the smaller one to Nadia.

He had said they should reach the cave before the sun sets so they had to leave now.

Without any other word he strode out the door.

Nadia hesitated.

She looked towards Minerva. She had a feeling she should say something but words failed her. Minerva's back was to her. She seemed to be busy washing dishes but Nadia knew she was deliberately not showing her face. None of them were big on talking and tried to avoid uncomfortable situations like these.

She waited for a few seconds. She tried opening her mouth to say anything but then closed it again. Next time. She would say this next time. She had time. She would know something to say by then. She would come back and know how to clearly say goodbye.

She picked up her bag and walked out of the door.

Once outside, she looked back at the wooden house she had called home for so long. The house which she had grown up to hate over time. This house had been harrowing for Minerva too. She watched her parents die here. She almost died here. She had to raise a child she didn't want here. No wonder she wanted to leave. No wonder she wanted to do whatever it took.

Minerva had bad memories here and then because of her Nadia had bad memories here. Maybe the house was haunted. Or maybe , Broken makes broken.

She shook her head. Why was she treating this like a goodbye? This wasn't her last time here.

She would come back one last time and that would be the last time. She should save all the sentiments for then.

For now, there was a mine to raid.

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