Chapter -22

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And the darkness ascends

Well that wasn't foreboding at all.

"What language is this?" Nadia asked.

"One of the languages spoken back where I came from. Even so, it is very rare. Not many people these days speak it. One of the lost languages." Falcon answered.

"You speak it."

"I was taught old school." He smirked

He squatted and got to work the lock on the door with pins. Nadia flashed her light so he could see what he was doing. The heavy padded lock looked just as ancient as the door. Brute force alone could not possibly break it. Its shackle as large as Nadia's hand. On the downside it made the keyhole just as large which made it easier for Falcon to work with. Apparently, nobody expected someone foolish enough to try and break it.

"You both do know this is a crime , right?" Olivia said from behind them.

"And that's where you come in, sweetheart. Governor is the one who dishes out punishment. He cant do that if we are with you." Falcon replied curtly. 

"So I am just-"

"Yes. A Hostage."

"So all the things you were saying? Like you understood me and my pain and you empathized with me. Was that all a lie?" Olivia's voice breaking. She looked heartbroken.

Nadia pursed her lips. Well that wasn't nice of him. She looked at Falcon disapprovingly.

"Nothing personal. I needed you to trust me enough to come to a secluded place."He was answering in a cold detached way. Not unkind but not entirely warm.

"What if I refuse to help? I know what you want now, what if I don't cooperate?"

"You sure? Think through this. You are entirely at my mercy." No change in his cold cadence which made his threat just as dangerous.

Nadia looked at him horrified. She wouldn't let him do anything ofcourse and she doubted he would do anything but but what he was suggesting.... His demeanor towards Olivia made Nadia's hair stand on end. It was so unexpected.

Olivia's eyes brimmed but she said nothing. Pressing her lips into a thin line.

"Please help us. We need you." Nadia said quickly before situation could get out of hand.

Olivia looked at her like she was going to say something else but at last nodded.

Falcon made quick work of the lock and the locking latch clicked.

The door itself seven feet long and approximately five feet wide. A perfectly normal door. It was impossible to tell the width from here but it was like any other door.

Except the wood was fading color in places and some parts were chipped. It looked sturdy enough but it had seen better days.

Nadia assumed it would make a creaking sound when opening.

Much to her surprise the door swung noiselessly on its hinges. She waited anxiously to look beyond. Olivia was pressed to her side and they both looked craning their necks.

Nothing but impenetrable darkness.

Nadia whispered, "You have been here before?"

"There are more than one ways to get here. I use the path near my house. Its not a rocky path like this. Its a man-made metal tunnel that runs from our backyard to this cave."

Convenient. Unlike their over the top entrance.

Falcon shined his torch forward and without a moment's hesitation stepped into the darkness.

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