Meeting wilbur

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I wonder the streets. Unsure what to do. I haven't seen anyone all day. I walk up a hill to see a man. I try to pull my self up "he-"i feel a hand grab mine and pull me down. Whoever pulled me down made us both stumble down the hill. Luckily I landed on my hands and knees.I look up making eye contact with skeppy. He's under me lifting himself up slightly with his arms
"Skep-!!"I go to shout but he covers my mouth.
"Shh"skeppy shushes me he puts his hand back down then props himself up all the way. I, on the other hand, stand back up and brush myself up
"Now..why did you pull me down from the hill?!"I whisper yell at him
"That's Wilbur. He's nuts" skeppy explains
"Sure he is"I cross my arms
"Well he's Tommy's older brother-"skeppy started but I interrupted
"Aye, aye. I don't care. I'm going to go say hello"I smile softly then scramble up the hill "hello!"I say to the man
He looks at me with a death like stare. He turns completely to me and takes a step forward. A creepy yet comforting grin grew on his face. He grabbed my both of my hands. "Oh! Your the new person I've heard so much about"Wilbur remarks.
"Yeah...I am"I nod softly
"Ah, too bad you didn't join when dream wasn't in prison" he shakes his head shamefully "you would've loved him" he grins
I laugh nervously "I bet"
"You could visit him. Although, technoblade is still in there"Wilbur suggests
"Yeah, sorry I don't particularly want to do that. I'll meet him when he's out of jail"I nod and take my hands away from him
"Hmph" I hear skeppy as he crawls up the hill. I look over
"Dream is not a good person"skeppy stood and brushed himself off
"What do you mean, skeppy? He was a great man"Wilbur has a sly smirk on
"Yeah, okay sure"skeppy rolled his eyes "dream and you are evil"
Wilbur cocked a brow and crossed his arms.
I looked at skeppy "what?"
Skeppy didn't make eye contact with me and just stared at Wilbur "first off he's insane. He blew up his country he built then had his father stab him. Then he died, ghostbur was fine.. then somehow someway Wilbur came back from the dead, I have no doubt he's lost his marbles"skeppy explains
"Oh"I look at Wilbur
"Oh, as a matter of fact I have all my marbles"Wilbur laughs a bit
Skeppy sighed then grabbed my hand"lets leave" he says
I nod and as we walk down the hill I glance back at Wilbur. Wilbur stands their with a crazed look in his eyes, his hands on his hips and creepy yet sweet grin. I shuttered
Skeppy dragged me along.
"So is it just us then? Me, you, puffy, bad, Tommy, tubbo, ranboo,dream, technoblade and Wilbur. Also that weird green guy I see near the big red building a lot"I ask
"That's Sam nook I believe. But no, there are a lot"skeppy says then stops and turns to me. I crash right into him "wanna help me troll bad?!"
"Troll?"I question
"Prank"skeppy grins an evil grin.
I pull my hand away and laugh nervously "no, thank you. I hate pranks"
"How do you know? You only recently joined"skeppy slightly titled his head
I froze, I didn't know. "I-...I don't know...."I shake my head a bit then cross my arms "I just don't"
"Fine suit yourself. Just don't tell bad I'm doing this"skeppy smiles and pats my shoulder. And with a small wink he's gone.
Once again left alone...

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