Chapter Twenty

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(This whole chapter is going to be about the relationships between some of the guys. I hope you like it! and like the last chapter, there's a couple POV changes so pay close attention (; )

•••Ponyboy's POV•••

Today, Johnny and I are taking Amanda and Kate out to dinner at the Dingo. I really like Amanda. She's sweet, beautiful, and just an amazing person. I especially love her hair. She has really long dark brown hair that goes just past her tail bone.

I was thinking maybe we could take them out to the movies after dinner, but I haven't talked to johnnycake about that yet.

We're gonna go pick up the girls at around 6:00. Johnny's coming over at 5 so we could freshen up a bit. In fact, there he is now.

He walked inside, along with Two bit and Steve.

"I heard y'all are taking out your girls tonight." Two bit smirked.

"Two, they're not our girls....yet. I think I'm gonna ask Kate tonight though." Johnny said.

"And I'm gonna ask Amanda" I smiled.

"Aw, our little boys are all grown up!" Soda said walking out of the kitchen and messing up my hair.

"Oh would you be quiet Soda." I rolled my eyes.

Everyone laughed as I walked into the bathroom to fix my hair. I put some grease through it and combed it back. Hmm. Now what should I wear? I went into my room and looked through the clothes in my closet until I found the perfect outfit. Gosh, I feel like I'm beginning to sound like Brie.

Anyways, I picked out a black dress shirt and a pair of pants. It wasn't too fancy but it was just right.

I checked myself out in the mirror one last time before heading back to Johnny. We were both ready at around 5:45. Great timing.

"Here you go lil buddies." Darry put his arms around me and Johnny, then handed me some money.

"What's this Darry?" I was confused why he gave me thirty bucks.

"Use it to pay for dinner" He smiled.

"Darry, We couldn't." Johnny handed him back the money, "We already have enough."

"No, I insist." He handed the money to Johnny.

"Thanks Darry." Johnny and I said at the same time as we hugged him.

"Cmon boys. Darry wants me to drive y'all to Amanda's house." Soda exclaimed, hopping out of his chair.

"I'm coming too!" Steve jumped up.

"Alright. Let's go, I don't want us to be late!" Johnny laughed.

The four of us piled into the card, then headed off to Amanda's House.

When we got there, Johnny softly knocked on the door. A few seconds later, Kate opened it up.

"Johnny!!" she excitedly said.

Johnny hugged her.

"Amanda is upstairs, she should be coming down any minute now." Kate explained, "Oh there she is now."

I smiled as I saw Amanda. She looked beautiful. Her hair was curled and she was wearing a cute white dress with black sandals.

"You look amazing." I complimented her.

"Aw thank you Ponyboy! You don't look too bad yourself." She giggled.

"Soda! Steve! You guys can leave now!" I waved at them in the car.

Steve gave me a thumbs up then drove off.

"Let's get going to the Dingo." Johnny softly said then we began to walk.


hey guys . I'm so sorry tht this is a hellaaaaa short chapter . I guess I didn't save the chapter & it ended up being short . I'm gonna cry now bc of it jk lol .

but anyways thanks for reading!!

- Kelli

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