Bonus Story - [Hiyori's Melancholy]

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In Speranza, the Cruise ship where all the First Year Students currently spend their vacation.

Students and teacher alike we're having the time of they're lives.

The students - being the victim of the sudden examination - were particularly carefree.

Eating, Laughing, and hanging out with each other. It was what you would normally see in a 'summer Vacation'

In contrast to the lively paradise in the middle of vast, oceanic blue. A lone girl sat in her room. An unreadable look painted her face as she - book in hand - read.

But despite her eyes scanning the context of the book. Nothing registers in her mind. A rare circumstance for a book lover like her. Though her surrounding was full of laughter and bliss...

Shiina Hiyori - the lone girl in question - was currently... sad.

Time flew by, yet nothing changed. It went to the point where She even forgot to flip the pages of the book she's reading.

Finnally realizing her state, she let out a sigh. Closing the book in hand, she decided to finnally face the thoughts swirling inside her head.

A brown haired boy instantly flashed through her mind. She only met him by chance. In the library at school. Yet that chance is what lead to her to find her first ever friend.

He was kind, easygoing and - by coincidence - had the same hobby as her. He Could sympathize with her being the same kind

It isn't really a stretch to say that he was perfect for her.

But nothing really goes smoothly all the time...

'I wonder if Ayanokōji-kun's angry at me' Shiina thought to herself sadly.

Event one after the other led her to lie and take advantage of her precious friend.

The island exam was - as exactly as stated - an exam. Class divided by class, everyone was tasked to survive on the deserted island while taking part of the additional test presented to them.

She - being the appointed leader of her class the previous exam - held the results on her shoulder.

'I didn't really have much of a choice... But... I still took advantage of his kindness in the end'

Acting like the damsel in distress was the perfect excuse. Infiltrating the enemy in the name of being their ally.

'I really need to apologize...'

Pondering about what she needed to do, she prepared to exit the room.
Walking aimlessly across the ship just to find the said boy.

The Cruise Ship was vast and wide. Housing a lot of different kinds of Facilities like nothing.

'now that I explored the ship, it really is big'

Easily fitting hundreds of students, teachers and staff. Yet leaving still so much space so that it doesn't feel cramp - truly a floating Palace of the sea

Wondering the vast wonderland she finnally got tired. Shiina leaned over the rail to rest for a while.

The endless summer sea filled her view.


The summer sun shone bright above the calm ocean, making it look like thousands of stars spread out wide as far as the eye can see

'thinking about it calmly I could just call him using my phone.... I didn't need to aimlessly wonder all afternoon...'

Realizing an obvious mistake, Shiina let out a melancholic sigh. She took out her phone and began to surf her contacts

"...I wonder if Ayanokōji-kun's busy" Shiina murmured to herself.


Shiina instantly froze upon hearing a familiar monotone voice. While some may get irritated, or easily misunderstand, because of the tone of the voice.

To her however - that voice brings her joy...

She quickly turned her head to the direction of the voice. Only to see the brown haired boy she kept looking for standing beside.

"Hello Shiina... Sorry if I surprised you" A calm and gentle look plastered across his face as He addressed her.

She could feel herself tear up a little as she formed a sad yet happy smile to reply back

"... Ayanokōji-kun"

Hello my Friend. Was the Drama a little over the top? Well give your thoughts...

By The Way. Here...

A Hiyori a day

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A Hiyori a day. Keeps the depression away

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