Chapter 17 - [War]

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Ayanokōji Kiyotaka POV

Soromura Hideo

–also known as Professor in our Class.
He often blend in the background like me, mostly ignored by others.

For the most part tho, it seems like he doesn't care, claiming that he's an Otaku, satisfied to live in the 2D world

This remark further separated him from the Class, to the point, where some even called him Disgusting.

I don't know why they call him that, but most of my Classmates was already proven to have a screw lose, so taking their words isn't exactly the best.

"It seems you wish to have my Assistance, Ayanokōji-dono?"

Sotomura was sitting on his Chair, facing the Monitor of His Computer with familiarity.

The room was fairly dim by my standards, perhaps he just woken up?
It is still early in the morning.

"Yeah... Sorry for the Trouble Sotomura" I confirmed.

I needed help concerning machines and technology. And he was the best for the job.

I'll admit, I know the basics, but my knowledge to it when compared to an actual expert, pales laughably.

"I don't mind. I'll gladly help a comrade, who's curious, genuinely so"  he smiled as he fixed he's Glasses upwards.

First President, now him. Looks like I'm meeting people with glasses often nowadays. Maybe I'll get one too......

"Ohhh. And help yourself, Ayanokōji-dono. Sit in the bed if you want. I'll get us something to drink at the meantime" he gestured me to the aforementioned bed. Standing up from his sit, and Making his way to the kitchen.

"Don't mind if I do..." I murmured, taking up his offer.

After a few, Sotomura returned with a tray in his hand. A freshly boiled cup of tea for us both.

Huh.... For someone called "Disgusting" he sure knows how to treat a guess...

Rather, he's actually a pretty decent guy.

Surveying his room earlier, I can say that it's actually pretty good. Clean and actually pretty organized.

Especially those.... Are those figurines? Huh, interesting.

Well, This Folks is why you shouldn't believe what others say about a person so easily.

I mean look at this. He's a good guy.

"What did you want my Help For Ayanokōji-dono?"

Sitting across me, we began.

"We both know that you're greatly familiar when it comes to Technology right?" He looked very smug with my first remark, but I continued nonetheless

"I wanted your help regarding that"

"Ohhhh... I see, I see. It's true that I know quite a lot when it comes to Technology. You certainly chose correctly" Nodding vigorously, he confirmed what I said. "So? Specifically, what do you need my help for?"

"...Bugging Devices."

Stomura's face suddenly lit up with interest.... And then......

"Ohhh! What are you gonna use it for Ayanokōji-dono?! For Fun?! For school?! Or perhaps something much darker.... Like a protagonist in a spy movie. You use the bugging devices to evesdrop on some important people. Unbeknownst to them, that you're slowly gathering Valuable information that could very well spell their doom!!! Hmmmm, but who would that be.... Important... Important.... Ohhhhh!!!! The student Council!!!! Are you gonna make this because you think the Council is Evil?! And your looking for evidence to prove your point?!..... But that won't make sense.... The current Student Council is deemed to be the Best in History.... Perhaps..... The person who'll be the next to reign! Okay.... So the story goes like this.... You were asked by the Current Student Council to look after the person who'll succeed his place. Afraid that, the school would fall into ruins if left alone. And now, You're going to make this bugging device to evesdrop on him, afraid of the possibility of it becoming true!!!!!! Ohh! That would be cool!!! That's what you're gonna do. Right Ayanokōji-dono!?"
"Huh? Uhhh No... I'll be using it for my studies..."
....What in Celestia was that.....? I'm... What...? I.... Huh? Like what? Is... Noone going to talk about that?

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