Chapter Five: Nico PoV

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AN: 1588 Words! Sorry for the extremely late update. I started school towards the start of the month, and my classes have been filled with quizzes and tests. I've also had many extracurricular activities that just started back up, so fanfiction has not been my priority. I'll try to find a more steady rhythm now. Thank you to @_Katerina-Petrova_ for reminding me to update and to @Nobody90999 for commenting. Also, thank you to everyone else that's voted.
Side note, Wattpad has stopped allowing me to bold things so that's great!

I lay down in the Infirmary, Will standing over me. Light floods in from the windows, illuminating his perfect features arranged into a scowl. Since Reyna, Coach Hedge, and I'd returned with the Athena Parthenon, I'd been designated a bed in the Big House. Even with the Gorgon blood's healing properties, my recovery was taking a while. Not to mention yesterday, I almost died. I was fine, but Will was fussy, and he needed something to focus on.

"Relax your arm; I'm taking a blood sample," my significant annoyance announced, prodding my arm.

I rolled up my sleeve, "Is that really necessary? I'm fine! I swear,"

Will raised an eyebrow, "You're fine? Nico, you just discovered you have living relatives that are freaking superheroes! You also shadow traveled without my permission again and almost died yesterday from a monster attack!"

"I'm fine," I muttered, "just take the sample,"

Will rolled his eyes and took a sample, "You know if you want to talk things through with someone, I'm here. My family's not perfect either. Also, Acslepius' offer of therapy still stands," he said hopefully.

"How are things with your mom?" I said, ignoring his therapy comment.

After falling into... Asclepius, the god of medicine, offered Percy, Annabeth, and myself therapy. Annabeth and Percy were going together, but I still wasn't ready to share what happened to me down there. I had many people who cared about me; Will, Reyna, Jason, Hazel, Leo, Percy, Annabeth, pretty much all the campers from the wars were invested in helping me. For the moment, that was enough.

"My mom's just as distant as ever. She still thinks I'm dangerous and doesn't want me near my sister, but at least she's alive. I know she loves me, but she's also trying to protect Ella. It is what it is," Will said defeatedly.

I sat up and hugged Will, "I'm not fine. Neither of us is fine. We've lost people, fought wars, and saved the world, but we have each other,"

"Thanks, Neeks, I didn't know you were so sentimental," he smirked, and I blushed.

"Did all the tests you did come back good?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

A bad feeling settled in my stomach, "Something weird happened yesterday when I was attacked. I tried to summon the dead, and they just didn't come,"

"Could you have been too tired or overwhelmed?" Will questioned.

I shook my head, "I've summoned skeletons in far more chaotic places. I'm a ghost king, not a skeleton king, so I don't have much control over that portion of the dead, but they still have to obey me. I am the son of the god of the underworld,"

"Did you have any problem shadow traveling?"

"No," I digressed, "none,"

Will pondered my circumstance thoughtfully for a moment, "We'll have to talk to Chiron or your father. In the meantime, you can tell me everything that happened while you were at the Avenger's tower,"

I groan and tell him about the hammer and archery with Francesco. He doesn't let me spare any details.

At lunch, he finally let me out of the Big House. I didn't eat much, only what Will forced down my throat. Multiple campers came up to ask me how I was holding up. Having people care about me felt really great.

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