Part 3

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I woke up to voices whispering around me, it was my friends in my dorm room, probably making sure I was okay. I slowly opened my eyes rubbing them with one of my balled up fists looking around at all of their faces. Two of the faces shocked me slightly, it was the twins, why were they here? I sat up as everyone gave me warry smiles, they were worried and I could tell.

"Hey little one, you gave us all a scare there for a moment, you can't disappear like that without telling one of us" Owen was the first to speak as he sat down next to me on my bed.

I looked down at my hands and fiddled with my skirts hem, "I sowwy, I didn't mean to wowwy yew guys, I jus, I needed a nap."

Kelly was holding my planner, "you didn't write out a plan for a nap. You always have your life in this book, why stray from it now?"

I shrugged, I knew the answer, the twins made me feels flustered enough to throw all my plans out a window. I hated that, it made me feel out of control of my life, the same way I felt as a child moving so much and at the drop of a hat.

"Eve, talk to us, we're your friends little one" Yula spoke.

"Can we go? I no wanna talk bout dis no more" I whined lightly.

I always tried to redirect the conversation when it came to how I was feeling, I knew they hated talking about it. I stood from my bed and grabbed my shoes putting them on and grabbing my phone as well as my planner out of Kelly's arms. As I walked out of the dorm I heard them all sigh and follow as I went to look at my phone. Wow, I didn't think I worried them that much to have them send that many messages as well as call that many times.

I lead them out to our normal tree and sat down under the shade, they all sat down around me, the twins made sure to be directly on my left and right. They all began to talk about their classes and which final they all thought they would end up failing, I quietly listened to them all. It was nice that they didn't tend to push me to talk about the things that I didn't want to talk about. However, I could feel the twins eyes boring into the sides of my head.

"So, Samuel, you mentioned that you and Elijah just transferred here, why so late in the semester? Finals are literally right around the corner" Kelly asked.

They pulled their eyes from me to look towards the other three, "well, there was a..."

"Problem with the other school."

I found it quite calming that the two finished each others sentences, Samuel always started them, and Elijah always finished them. Like they knew exactly what the other was going to say, a very well planned moment in time for the both of them.

"A problem?" I found myself asking.

They both stiffened, not really looking at me though, "well, you see it was kind of"

"A student that decided to try the both of us."

I crossed my arms over my chest trying my best to look and sound stern, "you got into a fight! That is a no no, fights are bad!"

My friends tried their best to stifle their laughter as the twins looked at me with shocked expressions. Normally I wouldn't have said anything, I don't even know why I did, but it felt right to actually scold them for that. Their shocked expressions turned into ones of amusement as they did chuckle at my words, and probably the look on my face.

"You are right little one"

"Fighting is a very big no no."

I blushed at the two, they were caregivers and it showed in the way that they spoke to me even though I was acting like a child. The school treated me well because I knew most every teacher and faculty member that worked here. Most of them accepted my regression, the ones who didn't stayed away from me, and I from them.

"Are you two aware of Eve's situation and why she is the way she is?" Kelly broke through the silence.

The twins shrugged, "not to much why,"

"But we do know what she is,"

"As well as what its called,"

"That's part of the lifestyle."

"Lifestyle?" Yula asked.

I rolled my eyes, "dats what its called when you don't want to just say that it's a complicated relationship. You three act like caregivers because you seen me when I no has one, I terrible at taking care of myself. The lifestyle is that since I live in the same dorm as Kelly she would be considered my 'Mommy' which would mean she was my permanent caregiver. However, I never explained that due to frightening you all."

They were all a bit surprised at me, "you went from being a little to talking like an adult in like two seconds."

"A lot of the time that's how it normally goes," Samuel stated.

"It's not always a mindset they stay in 24/7." Elijah finished.

"Geez there's a lot we didn't know about all this, I feel dumb" Owen commented rolling onto his back seeming defeated.

"Well considering you are the one with the lowest grades out of the rest of us, you kind of are dumb" I pointed out.

Everyone gasped and looked at me, well everyone but Owen, he laughed.

"That's true, but you don't have to throw it at me like that!!" he laughed.

I felt one of the twins hands on my ankle behind me, almost like a warning to behave. Our conversation died down from there as everyone just enjoyed the chilly air. Though the twins were on their phones, soon mine went off, with text messages.

Looking down at it I tried not to glare at the two beside me.

Samuel: You weren't being very nice kitten

Elijah: Do we have to start keeping count of your bad behavior?

The way they talked made my body shiver, as well as made me want to behave, to make them not have to get upset with me. Maybe they could be my permanent caregivers, well I doubt that, but it's nice to think about.

"Hey Eve, when are your parents coming back?" Owen asked abruptly pulling me from my thoughts.

I looked through my planner, "once finals are over. They plan on staying in a hotel, I really don't want to stay with them though."

My friends nodded, the twins quirking their eyebrows, "we understand, you can stay in the dorm. I'll be at my parents for break." Kelly stated.

I shrugged, "I will be alone to have to take care of myself."

My friends faces fell, they all left during break usually, and I was left here because my parents came to visit for break. It was part of my planning and not moving, the school gave me a permanent room, and Kelly stays in the room until we both graduate.

"We aren't going anywhere for break," Samuel broke through the silence.

"We can keep an eye on her while you're gone."

We all looked at the twins in shock, "really? You wouldn't mind doing that?" Yula questioned.


"At all."

I blushed as the two gave me soft smiles what in the heck are they doing? Offering to be my caregivers while my friends are gone? What are these two planning?

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