c h a p t e r - 10

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'Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony, and music inside me.'


Oh god, I certainly have doubts about staying now.

He said he won't eat if I don't eat. Though gotta say he is a great cook.

Rare positive traits.

After eating the food he made I started getting flashbacks of the number of times I have almost burnt down the whole house cause of my cooking.

After which as you have already guessed, I was banned from entering the kitchen to make something.

Well, I used to be pretty poor at cooking but I have improved, to say the least.

Anyways back to what I was saying, so he has been taking care of me like I am a baby.

But I am enjoying the attention I'm getting.


At the present, we are watching a movie and he has slept most probably.

Guess what?

Today I got my yesterday's wish complete.

When he came from the kitchen to sit with me, he put his head on my lap, and as on instinct, my hands went to his hair.

Not my fault his hair looked too soft and was such a cute curly mess.

But as I realized what I am doing I quickly moved my hands away from his hair.

I think I am born with a special talent to embarrass myself.

But he looked up at me with a small pout and his eyebrows creasing.

He took my hands and put them back asking me to play with them, which I did.

And I think he loved it as quickly fell asleep after some time.

But my legs hurt now. I somehow succeeded in escaping and keeping his head on a pillow.

All of sudden his hand reached out for
mine," Where are you going?" his voice was deep making me jump a little due to surprise.

He put his hand forward so that I can take it while his eyes were still closed.

That made a small smile form come on my face, like how can he be so adorable while sleeping.

I then moved forward and kept my hands on his seeing as his frown disappeared slowly.

"My legs started hurting and I thought that you are not comfortable," I replied to his previous question softly not wanting his sleep to be disturbed because of me.

He then gave my hand a slight tug and pulled me towards his chest.

Then he properly placed me next to him and moved his head to my neck.

"Stay," he said and I did without any questions.

And it didn't take me more than 5 minutes to fall asleep.

Gosh, this is my heaven.

After what seemed like one hour my eyes suddenly opened due to talk.

"She is so pretty," someone said making another person who I think is Alex said," Mom she will wake up like this."

Wait, WHAT??!!!

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the two people staring at me like deer caught in a headlight.

When I finally came to my senses, I quickly got up and looked at him and then the other lady.

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