Chapter eight//A New Home

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IT FELT LIKE THE LONGEST TWENTY MINUTES OF MY LIFE. Sarah kept passing out and I was trying not to lose my shit. The ambulance eventually arrived after what felt like five hours and they rushed Sarah to hospital.

I, however, was left outside my apartment covered in the woman's oddly warm blood. My eyes were strained tightly to the floor where a pool of the same crimson lay and my hands were shakily held in front of me as I tried to calm myself with deep breaths that didn't seem to be working.

Police arrived at the crime scene and so had the BAU. Agent Jareau, JJ, was the first to approach me. She stood in front of me with a sympathetic expression on her face. Her lips were almost turned down in a frown.

JJ seemed to be one of the more caring members of the BAU team. Her and Prentiss. I suppose since they're both women it's in their nature to be gentle with others, especially those that are in a messy state like I was.

"Lillia." She spoke only just above a whisper. Hotch and Rossi were talking to other police at the scene whilst Morgan, Prentiss and Reid watched the blonde carefully handle me.

JJ slowly reached her hands out to mine, taking my bloody hands in hers. "You're okay." She reassured me but I wasn't properly listening. I was rather focused on the blood that was seeping under my door and into my apartment.

Prentiss, Morgan and Reid then joined us, the brunette lady placing a gentle hand on my back. "Dr. Davis, Why don't we get you a shower? You can use the ones back at the station." She said but I shook my head.

"Jasper." I whispered. "My dog, he's inside."

I stepped over the puddle and opened the door, entering my apartment. No dog in sight. "Jasper!" I called out as I began to frantically search the place with the BAU team following me in.

As I approached my bedroom, I could hear the water running from my en-suite. For a moment, I stared at the door as water soaked into my bedroom carpet before I opened it slowly.

The team that stood behind me shared confused looks, knowing no better than me what I was about to find.

The bath was running with the plug in and the sink was also overflowing. The once white bath was stained red and a towel lay over whatever was soaking in there. I didn't hesitate to remove it although I wish I had.

Jasper lay, multiple stab wounds over his body. Morgan rushed in and turned off the sink then the bath, reaching over my body before placing his hands on my shoulders and guiding me out of the apartment.

I didn't cry, I didn't scream, I didn't even whimper.


JJ had grabbed some of my clothes from my place and quickly packed them before we left. She handed me one outfit and sent me to the showers they had in the locker rooms at the police station.

I stood, allowing the water to fall down my body and face, letting the red stains run.

Once I had finished washing my body and hair, because I felt like my hair needed it, I got dressed. JJ had handed me a simple black long sleeve top with a pair of blue denim jeans which I wore with a pair of vans.

I headed towards the team where they were profiling the scene that had just happened with the resources they had brought back.

I stood, seeing a picture of Jasper on the board now.

"The woman," I spoke, making their heads turn to me. "She was the fourth victim. Sarah Anderson. Daniel was in my apartment."

"Davis, I'm sorry but you won't be able to go home until this case is closed." Hotch told me with a certain sincerity in his voice, proving he was genuinely sorry. "But, we'll sort you with a place and have someone drop of some more clothes and any hygiene products you'll need."

I nodded, despite not liking what I was being told. "Thank you." My nose was stuffy from crying in the shower and my throat felt blocked.

Reid obviously took note of this as he offered to get me a drink. "I'll, uh, I'll get you some water." He said before leaving the room.

Morgan stood beside me, hands on the table in front of us. He looked up at me. Morgan was a few years older than I was, and than Reid. I had taken note of the times he called the other Doctor 'kid' or 'pretty boy.'

"We're gonna catch this guy, Davis." He told me, "we won't stop until we find him."

"And when we do," Prentiss placed her hand on my arm, "we'll take him away safely. No unnecessary harm will come to Daniel."

I thanked them just as Reid returned with a bottle of water which he handed me, our fingers accidentally brushing over top of each other's. I sent him a nod which he returned with a sweet smile.


The authorities had situated me with a small apartment not far from the station. It wasn't anything special but I didn't need it to be, it was enough.

Prentiss had dropped me off and helped carry my stuff in, placing the bags by the front door once we were inside.

"You'll have police outside the building and a member of our team will come a check up on you as well as drive you to and from the station." Prentiss explained.

"Thank you."

"Of course. If you need anything," she stepped forward with a small piece of paper in her fingers, "this is my number, don't hesitate to call."

I took the paper from her and briefly read the number before placing it on the coffee table that was placed by the sofa and chairs.

Prentiss turned to leave and, when she placed her hand on the door handle, she stopped and looked back at me. "You should get some rest. Hotch wants to talk to you tomorrow morning so Morgan will pick you up."

And with a final nod and thank you from me, Prentiss left and shut the door behind her. I stood, locking the door before heading to my new room with my bags to get ready for bed.


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