Chapter twenty-two//Rescue Mission

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MY WRIST HAD BEGAN TO HURT AND TURN RED. The handcuff hand been around my wrist for an hour and I hadn't stopped moving it, mainly from being nervous and fidgety. The bed was extremely uncomfortable.

Daniel had laid out some colouring books in front of us, him sitting opposite me. He coloured a page in one book whilst I coloured in another. The picture I had was of a dog. I was only able to colour with one hand and so most of the colours were outside the lines as the book kept moving around on the bed sheets.

The coloured pencils I chose to use made the dog look like Jasper, my mind trying to focus on something him to distract myself.

"Daniel," I spoke quietly, "can you please take this off?" I gently shook my wrist that was handcuffed to the bed. "It's difficult to colour with one hand."

He stopped colouring for a moment but didn't look up at me. When he did finally look up, his head turned to look over his shoulder as if there was someone behind him. Daniel then shook his head, continuing on with his colouring.

"Why not?" I asked, tilting my head to the side slightly.

Daniel shook his head again, still not looking at me. "I can't. You might try and leave again." He said.


3rd Person POV

The BAU team shortly arrived outside the farm with the local police backing them up. Hotch pulled on his FBI vest before joining the rest of his team who also all wore the same vests. The police wore their own, loading their guns up.

"Okay, we go in smaller groups." Hotch started. "Morgan, Prentiss, I want you two to check the barn. Reid, Rossi, you two and myself will go in the house. If Daniel is in there, we don't shoot, no one shoots unless absolutely necessary." He ordered and they were all soon following their orders with police going with each group.

Morgan lead the way into the barn with Emily close behind him. A couple police went through another entrance to the barn whilst some went in with Morgan and Prentiss.

The group searched the barn, guns raised and everyone on their toes, ready for anything.

Prentiss wandered in one direction with Morgan going in the other. The brunette knelt down, hoisting her gun as she reached to pick up the filthy rope that was laying on hay flooring. Her brows furrowed at it as she scanned it for any distress but found nought.

"Morgan." She called over to the other agent.

He stood behind her, looking down at the rope she showed him. "You think it was used on Lillia?" Derek asked, hoping it wasn't but knowing it probably was.

Emily shrugged, standing with the rope. "I don't know. If it was, it wasn't tied very tightly." She explained.

A loud thud came from the far corner of the barn and all officers were suddenly on alert. The two agents readied their guns only for a rather fat pigeon to fly out of its nest and out the vast barn doors.

Emily sighed, a hand on her hip and Morgan looked back at her, raising his eyebrows and then dropping them with his eyes falling to the floor by some crates near a wooden pillar.

"Prentiss, there's blood." He pointed out and Emily focused her attention on where her colleague was pointing.

Staining the hay was deep crimson liquid that had dried mostly but was still clearly fresh. The two agents shared a concerned expression but the search in the barn was shortly wrapped up after confirmation of it being empty.

Prentiss and Morgan began to head for the house where they'd meet the rest of their team.

Reid, Rossi and Hotch had entered the house the same time Morgan and Prentiss had entered the barn also with police backup.

The three agents searched different rooms downstairs, floorboards making loud noises under them and letting every creature living there aware of their presence. Including Daniel who was now stood facing the bedroom door with a more than terrified Lillia Davis watching him with wide eyes and tears rolling down her face.

The crying Doctor eventually noticed the gun in the back of Daniel's waistband on his trousers as his hand slowly moved to hold it, ready. A whimper left Lillia's mouth and Daniel's head snapped in her direction. He was then storming over quickly, grabbing some duct tape he had left on the chest of drawers near the bed and cut off a piece before sticking in firmly over Lillia's mouth to keep her quiet.

"Dont make a sound," he pointed a stern finger at her, taking the gun out with his other hand. "Make a sound and I'll have to do something bad." Daniel threatened.

Daniel stayed stood near the bed with his hand holding the gun behind his back. He watched the door intently and it was almost like his ears twitched at every sound the BAU made downstairs.

Tears dropped down Lillia's cheeks and collected at the rim of the tape across her mouth. The rusty handcuff was cutting into her flesh and splatters of blood had dripped onto the pillow cases, staining them.

She heard the footsteps move upstairs and multiple profanities leave an officers mouth as the floor broke away under them.

The team and the backup officers all held their guns securely, holding them in front of their bodies. Hotch was leading the team, with Morgan and Rossi close behind and Prentiss and Reid behind them.

A large crowd of reporters and news agents had formed outside and JJ was giving the difficult task of keeping them under control and briefly answering any questions without giving away too much.

As the team head to the other rooms upstairs, going straight past the bedroom Lillia and Daniel were in, one officer stopped.

They listened closely, being uncertain on what they'd heard come from the one room they decided they'd double back on.

Inside the bedroom, Lillia was shaking her wrist, which was making the rusty metal cut deeper but also made noise which had gotten the attention of at least one officer.

"Hotchner." The officer quietly called over and made the team double back. They nodded to the bedroom and told the team to listen.

Everyone did just that, some leaning closer to the walls and door.

Lillia continued to rattle the handcuff, hitting the chain against the bed. Daniel snapped around and grabbed her wrist, squeezing tightly and placing the gun under the Doctors chin.

She held her breath but didn't close her eyes. Rather, Lillia looked right at Daniel. She focused on the emotion in his eyes and saw he was scared, perhaps just as scared as she was. While his body and words told everyone he was angry, crazy even, his eyes told a whole different story.


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