Ch. 10 "Safe here"

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                                                            Jaylynn POV 

The tears continued falling as I hugged Steve's neck, 

That was until I hear talking, 

"Pietro if I get my hands on you I'm going to kill you!" I hear a voice, 

I let go of Steve, 

Steve smiles at me, then stood up as the rushing footsteps gained on us, 

"You'll have to catch me first archer," I hear someone shout, 

My Head comes to Steve's knee maybe a little higher, but I had one arm around his leg as I hear the footsteps come around the corner, 

I see a man with whitish hair, 

then another man with blue eyes and a bow, 

They stopped once they spotted me, I tried to hide as best as I could behind Steve's massive body, 

I mean I am tiny but not that tiny, I thought, 

"Oh so you finally got her comfortable with you huh," The man with the bow said 

"I'm not really sure at the moment," Steve said looking down at me, 

"She was pretty upset a few minutes ago," Winter soldier said 

"About what?" The man with white hair said 

"Were not sure," Steve said 

Steve looked back down at me again, 

I kept my eyes trained on the ground, 

"Pietro!!" We hear, 

"Well I got to go," The man with white hair which I can only assume is Pietro, 

"Come on Jaylynn, it's pretty late," Steve said 

Steve Held out his hand, and I slowly took his hand, 

It was quiet as the three of us walked, 

Maybe Steve isn't as bad as I thought he was, He saved me from that place, I was left to die, I couldn't get out of that room, 

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't I gave up, I was ready to die, falling into darkness, I thought I was going to,

But then I woke up here, and Steve..

I looked up at him, he didn't look mad, but his eyes were focused, like he was thinking extra hard, 

I guess he could feel my stare because he looked down at me, 

I looked away, looking down at the floor, 

I am still hesitant even though I know the truth, 

Suddenly were back in the room I was sleeping in, 

Steve and Winter solider looked confused, 

"Did you make the bed?" Steve said looking down at me, 

I shook my head no, 

"Then where were you sleeping doesn't look like you slept in the bed," Winter solider asked, 

I let go of Steve's hand and walked towards the bed and pointed under the bed, 

"You were sleeping under the bed?" Steve asked confused 

I nodded, 

Steve walked towards me, kneeling in front of me, 

"Jaylynn you don't have to be afraid of anyone coming after you, you are safe here, I promise you that," He said 

"Do you understand," He said 

I nodded, 

He picked me up, and laid me in bed, covering me with the blankets, 

"Try to get some sleep, we'll talk in the morning okay," Steve said 

I nodded, 

"Goodnight Tiny," Winter solider said 

"Goodnight," Steve said 

They closed the door, 

"Goodnight..." I whispered softly the first time I've spoken in a long long time, 

I feel my heavy eyelids flutter shut, hoping Steve was right, 

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