Ch. 11 "Strength"

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                                                Jaylynn POV 

My eyelids shoot open, reliving each and everything they did to me in HYDRA, the non stop training, 

Training until I collapsed, testing out my strength, speed, reflexes, everything, 

I sat up looking around remembering what Steve said before he and Winter solider left the room, 

It's safe here, 

Is it? Is anywhere safe at all? 

I shook my head getting out of bed, walking to the bathroom, looking at the messy bed head I had going on, 

So I decided to brush my long sandy blonde hair, brush my teeth, 

Sure I'm five but the Serum made me smarter than most five year olds, everything became enhanced, 

I tip toe to the door, slowly opening the door, peeking my head out the cracked door, I don't see anyone, 

I slowly walk out of the room, my back against the wall as I shimmy down the hallway, on my tip toes,

Suddenly I hear talking, 

"She still asleep?" I hear a voice, 

"Yeah, last time I checked," I hear Steve's voice, 

"We need to get the kid talking, need to know what the hell went on in there," I hear another voice say, 

"I don't care about that, I just want her to start talking, so she knows she can trust me," I hear Steve's voice, 

"What do you think they did to the kid?" I hear another voice, 

"If it was anything like my experience it can't be good," I hear Winter solider, 

"So any ideas?" I hear 

Maybe this wasn't the best idea, I thought about to walk away, 

But as I was about to do that, I see a very large man, 

"Earth child what are you doing here?" He said looking down at me, 

Who is he calling Earth child I thought as I tilted my head, 

I went to walk away when he grabbed my wrist, which I didn't like, 

I grabbed his wrist throwing him over my shoulder like he was lighter than a feather, 

Suddenly I hear a crashing noise, 

I look over my shoulder, seeing he shattered a glass table, 

Guess I threw him harder than I thought, 

"Thor what the hell!" I hear a voice, 

"It wasn't me it was the earth child!" I hear the man named Thor say, 

I see everyone circled around Thor, he was laying on the now shattered glass table, he looked as if he was making a snow angle, 

I slowly start walking back to the room, that was until I hear my named being called, 

I slowly turn around fully to see Steve approach me, 

He was now in front of me, I back up a little, I was looking up at him through my eyelashes, 

"Jaylynn did you do that to Thor?" Steve asked, 

Winter solider was slowly approaching also, 

I nodded slowly, 

Steve was now kneeling in front of me,

"Jaylynn we don't throw our friends," Steve said 

I looked down, 

"Damn that was some toss," I hear winter solider, 

I slightly look up only to see Steve glare at Winter solider, 

"Which is bad, right my bad," Winter solider said 

"No more throwing our friends okay," Steve said gently 

I nodded, 

"Good, now come on I'm sure your hungry," Steve said standing up holding out his hand, 

I was hesitant, but eventually took his hand and we walked down the hallway, 

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