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*5 days later (Friday after classes)

I still haven't told Isla or Pansy about "it" and I wasn't sure If I should. We had a quidditch match against Hufflepuff so hopefully, that would take my mind off things, and plus I knew they would be easy to beat. I headed to my dorm and put my books away, I slipped on my quidditch robes because I decided I wanted to start practicing early. I grabbed my broom and walked out to the quidditch pitch.

I got up into the sky and it felt nice to finally be free, I mostly just did laps around the field, I was trying to work on my speed. I was already very fast but I felt that I could do better. I timed myself every lap and kept mental notes of what to fix and what to keep doing until eventually, I was satisfied with my results. The rest of the Slytherin quidditch team joined me on the field and we each kind of did our own thing, Crabb and Goyle were just hitting the bludger back and forth like the idiots they were, Blaise enchanted the ball to act like someone was throwing it through the hoops, Malfoy, well I don't think anyone really knew what He was doing, he was the seeker after all and I don't think any of us knew exactly how they were supposed to warm up.

As for Mattheo, Jet and I, we were practicing tackling each other off their brooms. It's not like the Hufflepuffs would be a challenge to knock off their brooms but we did it anyway just for the fun of it. I kept knocking Mattheo and Jet off their brooms which visibly made them angry since they also couldn't catch up to me. I have a nimbus 2001 so it's not surprising.

After an hour of practicing we were told the game would start in 15 minutes, so we all dismounted and waited in the locker rooms for the game to begin. While we were waiting Malfoy was giving a speech on how we were going to win because we are the best quidditch team hogwarts had every seen and whatnot, I was getting really bored and finally Snape came and told us to get ready, thank god. We all mounted our brooms and flew out when Lee announced Slytherin against Hufflepuff. We flew in a v formation around the pitch then got into positions. "Alright, I want a nice clean game, all of you," Madam Hooch said before finally blowing her whistle and throwing up the quaffle. I raced to it and got it first, I threw it to Mattheo who then started off for the opposing teams hoops, He threw it back to me and, "SLYTHERIN GETS THE FIRST GOAL!" Lee shouted, there was a eruption of cheers as well as boo's but I didn't care, all I cared about was winning. Hufflepuff kept trying to score but Blaise was too good of a keeper, the score was 0 - 60, I could see the hufflepuss still had hope because of the snitch but I couldn't let them win.

One of the Hufflepuff chasers had the ball and was making their way towards our hoops, I sped towards her and bodychecked her off her broom, I grabbed the quaffle then flew towards the Hufflepuff hoops, I threw the ball to Jet and he scored, "ANOTHER SCORE FOR SLYTHERIN," Lee announced. a couple minuted later our team and the Hufflepuff team had scored a couple more goals, the score was 30 - 100. I glanced around a bit and thought I saw the snitch, I looked back "MALFOY," I shouted, He turned his head towards me and I pointed out the snitch, he dove to got retrieve it and the Hufflepuff seeker did the same. I couldn't sit and watch them though, If the Hufflepuff seeker did get it they would surely win, so I rushed over to Mattheo who had the quaffle he passed it to me and I chucked it through the hoop. the Hufflepuff team got the ball but we quickly stole it back and scored 3 more times.

Malfoy and the other seeker were still chasing the snitch, ametures, so we still had time. Jet bodychecked a Hufflepuff chaser off his broom then threw the quaffle to Mattheo, he scored and the ball fell to the ground. I dove for it so that I could get there before a Hufflepuff chaser but a guy named Cedric got there first, I became frustrated and knocked him off his broom and got the quaffle, I passed it to Jet who threw it but got blocked, I rolled my eyes then went to go get it again. As soon as I made contact with the ball it felt like I hit a brick wall, fucking Cedric knocked me off my broom. As I was falling I whistled and my broomstick came and caught me before I hit the ground. There was a unified gasp from the croud and I smirked, I knew they've never seen anything like that before. The Slytherins in the stands erupted with cheers as I flew back up to the game, when I got back into the air Mattheo had the quaffle and scored again, now we had 160 points and Hufflepuff still had 30, in order to win we had to get 3 more goals. I took a deep breath, then raced to Cedric who had the quaffle, he threw it to another chaser but I intercepted it and turned sharp to make my way back to the Hufflepuff hoops. I passed the ball to Jet and he passed it to Mattheo and he scored, he turned to me and winked, he was so hot, I rolled my eyes then turned to see that the Hufflepuff seeker nearly had the snitch.

I don't know what came over me but one minute I was stunned at the sight and the next I had scored 2 more goals, just in time as well. after I scored the last goal Lee shouted that Hufflepuff had gotten the snitch, but Slytherin won the game. The score was 170 - 180 and all the Slytherins in the stands went wild. All of the slytherins crowded me and started chanting, "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," we got to the ground and they had picked me up and put me on their shoulders as we walked to the castle, as we passed more and more people I kept getting "Congradulations y/n!" and "Great job y/n," honestly I think I could get used to this.

There was a party in the Slytherin common rooms afterwards to celebrate our win, Blaise brought firewhiskey for the team, plus Isla and Pansy, and we all got super drunk by the end of the night. Everyone was having fun and dancing to the loud music we had on and it was literally the perfect night, I was actually proud of myself for once.


I hope you guys liked this chapter and I promise more smut scenes will be coming in the near future, until then tuned!

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