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It had been 3 weeks after our win against Hufflepuff and the snow was settling on the ground at Hogwarts, there was still a week left until Christmas break and I couldn't wait. I always spend the holidays at the Malfoy manor so that's probably why Isla and I are such good friends. I went to the great hall with Isla and Pansy for lunch and we talked about the holidays and how glad we were that they were almost here, then I could finally get a break from this school. We finished lunch then had to go to potions.

Since it was almost the holiday's Snape just told us we were going to be duelling and moved all the desks with a flick of his wand. Everyone became excited and Snape just said to go in pairs then the winners would duel each other until a single person remained. He turned and went to go sit at his desk and picked up a book everyone just got in lines and started. I went with Isla, when it was our turn we stood opposite from each other and pulled out our wands. We got ready and Isla started, "Expelliarmus!", I blocked it then shot back, "Stupify!". It knocked her down but she got back up again. We duelled for a couple more minutes until I saw my opening, "Expelliarmus!" her wand flew out of her hand and I grabbed it. "Dammit y/n," Isla laughed. All the winners started duelling the other winners, I won all of mine which made me one of the last people standing, the other was Mattheo. We got ready to duel and as we were doing so he winked at me, pathetic, I rolled my eyes and fired off the first spell, "Stupify!" he blocked it and fired back his spell, "Immobulus!" I blocked it, "Impedimenta!" (if you don't know what that curse does it slows the movement of the target for a period of time) Mattheo just barely blocked it, "So you want to play dirty," he snarled, "INCENDIO!" Flames shot out of his wand, my eyes widened, "PROTEGO!" I blocked the curse, we were both breathing heavily, "RICTUSEMPRA!" I shouted, Mattheo flew against the wall. All the students started clapping, "Miss. Davies is the winner," Snape said. I cringed when he said that name, god it sounded like a muggles name.

*Friday after classes*

Finally, it was the end of the week and I was heading back to my dorm to pack to go to the Malfoy Manor with Isla, "I am so glad we can finally just chill at my place this week took forever!" Isla said with a sigh, "Yeah just don't forget I need to update Voldemort about my task first," I laughed. "Yeah yeah I know." We finished packing and took our stuff to the train and found an empty compartment to sit in. A couple of minutes later Pansy, Blaise and Draco joined us and we talked for the majority of the ride. We finally got to platform 9 3/4 and found Narcissa waiting for us there. She greeted and hugged us all then pulled out the same dagger she used to apparate us here. We all grabbed onto it then we appeared at the manor. We all put our stuff away and I changed my clothes then headed down to the dining room with Isla and Draco. Lucius came in a couple minutes later and told us that there will be a death eater meeting in ten minutes and to come to the meeting room.

We all walked in and all the death eaters looked at us, I looked around the room and saw... Mattheo?!!

Pureblood - Mattheo Riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now